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1. E-Ang Pau

What is New Year without some ang pau?? As much as we all love the smell of fresh banknotes, this year let’s make a difference by remitting the money into respective bank accounts or e-wallets via online bank transfer. It helps cut down on carbon emissions and is also really convenient. 

2. Recycle Your Red Packets

Many of us will nonetheless receive physical ang paus, so rather than tossing the empty red packets into the bin, why not store them properly to be reused in the coming years? Or even better, get all crafty and turn them into beautiful decorations for the New Year.

3. DIY Decorations

Bright red decorations flatter your home and are also believed to bring good luck, but buying them every year can’t possibly be the best option for the environment and your finances. Instead, why don’t you make them yourself? You can easily flatten and store them appropriately, to be pulled out again when celebrations are near. At the same time, it will also do so much good for the environment.

4. Don’t Waste Food

The abundance of food during Chinese New Year gatherings is believed to bring wealth, health and prosperity for the coming year. Make sure to preserve leftover food to repurpose into new dishes later. At the supermarket, don’t fall for promotions that tempt you into buying more than you need. If you find yourself with excess, always share them with friends, neighbours and family. 


5. Educate and Encourage

Turn your leftover mandarin fruits and pulp into a refreshing scrub. Mandarins are rich in Vitamins A, C and E and are also packed with antioxidant properties, which is a great thing for skincare products. Add some sugar and coconut oil to your mandarin oranges, blend them and store in an airtight container, and there you have it!