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Nur Hafizah

Draughting Assistant

1. What is your current job title?
I am a Draughting Assistant from the Architecture Department. 

2. How long have you been working in YTL Construction?
I have been working with YTL Construction for 6 years. 

3. What sort of duties do you have at work? 
My duties include drawing plans, photoshopping, preparing drawings for submission and doing manual filling for all the approved architecture drawings. 

4. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? 
I love to watch marine life but deep inside I am scared to do any underwater activities. 

5. What energises you at work?
I love being involved in department activities like first Friday catch ups and birthday celebrations. 

6. Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
All the architects and seniors that I work with are my biggest influence. I learn from the way they work and solve all work-related problems. 

7. What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
I would happily go back to my hometown in Ipoh or catch up with my girls.

8. What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
People tend to say that I’m just a draughtswoman who does all the drawing, but to me, it is not merely about drawing a plan. What we do require impeccable attention to detail and sound knowledge of the discipline we draught for. 

9. What’s something you’ve done, but will never do again?
I will never enter any mock ghost houses in carnivals or fun fairs ever again!