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Aishah Arinah binti Abdul Aziz


Senior Executive, YTL Learning Academy

1. How long have you been working for YTL Construction?
Two years and counting.

2. What sort of duties do you have at work?
I carried the strategic communications for the CRJGR project portfolio for a while before being reassigned to the YTL Learning Academy. A year or so ago, I was tasked to help set up the YTL Learning Academy under the supervision of Natasha, the Stakeholder Director. My portfolio now includes business plans and strategies for the YTL Learning Academy, budget and costing, planning for programmes and courses — to name a few.

3. If you could add one thing to Menara YTL, what would it be?
A child care centre, pretty pleaseeeee! Or a gym. Some of these fats need to go.

4. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I was very timid as a child. I’m talking next-level timid where I get super anxious just to call Pizza Hut to order some pizzas.

5. What led you to this career?
I majored in Mechanical Engineering but realised during my final year while I was stationed at Pengerang, Johor for my internship, that this line of work does not jive with what I aspire to be, as vague as that was. So after I graduated, I looked for management training programmes to help broaden my perspective. Somewhere along the way, I met someone who saw my potential and helped pave the way for me and I have never looked back since. What I do now is challenging and the outcome of it will be impactful to many, so at the moment, I believe I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.

6. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose?
My husband. Just to see how it’s like to sleep on the other side of the bed because apparently, you can’t hear the baby crying from there.

7. How did you feel when you were reassigned to the YTL Learning Academy, given the fact that it was new and you had no precedents for reference?
I was honoured to have been given the trust to carry the responsibility. While working on a blank canvas is exciting, it also means that there are a thousand ways that it could go wrong. But it’s not just me alone carrying the load, we have an excellent team providing support and of course, with Natasha captaining the ship, I know we’re in safe hands. My experience and exposure at my previous job have also equipped me with some knowledge to tackle the task at hand.

8. What’s your most hated household chore?
Folding. Are the robots going to be ready soon?

9. What are the challenges faced when sourcing for potential trainers for the YTL Learning Academy?
Credibility and quality. These are the two most important aspects that we look for in a provider/trainer. These are also the things that we want our internal trainers to be properly equipped with, which is why our Train the Trainer programme is pretty different and quite special.

10. What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?
Working and parenting at once. Now that we’re working from home a lot and the child care centres are closed, this has become such a huge challenge in my household. I’m striving to balance between the two so that I can be a dependable staff member and also an attentive and responsive mother. It’s not always easy. In fact, it’s been consistently difficult. But thankfully, I have an excellent support system in the shape of my husband and my dad. But just like what my boss, Natasha, says, all these challenges will only make you better!