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by Anishametra Saravanan  

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

Albert Einstein

Creativity isn’t confined to artists and inventors; it’s critical for just about anyone engaged in cognitive tasks. Whether you’re tackling a complex math equation, devising a strategic plan for your next big project or simply crafting an article much like this one, many daily tasks require some form of creativity for it to be executed.  

Before we dive into the details of how to harness a creative flow, let’s explore what creativity truly entails. Creativity is…  

  • The ability to generate ideas.  
  • The ability to generate good ideas.  

You may be wondering, “What is the difference between generating ideas and generating good ideas?” The best way to explain it is to imagine a river. It usually goes in just one direction, right? You can’t expect it to flow both up and down as it goes against the laws of nature. Well, your brain is a bit like that river. When you’re being creative, you need to go in two directions: coming up with ideas and then making those ideas better. Sometimes, when you’re stuck in a creative rut, it’s like trying to make the river flow in two opposite directions at the same time. 

A river naturally goes downhill, following the easiest path in its surroundings. Similarly, the environment in which creativity unfolds can significantly influence whether your creative flow is strong or weak. Let’s consider some factors that push your creativity in the right direction: 

  1. Boost Your Mojo: Confidence beats self-doubt for a creative spark. 
  2. Spark the Fire: Enthusiasm fuels creativity; avoid apathy and negativity as it slows creation. 
  3. Creative Tools: Having a paper and pencil, word processing document or even a friend to have a conversation with can facilitate the flow towards creation. 
  4. Embrace Imperfection: Loosen up and let ideas flow; perfectionism stifles creativity. 
  5. Navigate Constraints: Think of constraints like a river’s width—just enough keeps the flow steady, not too many to block the idea current. 

With these 5 vital factors in your creative toolkit, you’re primed to break through boundaries and unleash your genius. Remember, just as with anything in life, practice is the secret sauce to self-improvement and even a diamond needs a little polishing to shine its brightest. So, dive into the realm of creativity with confidence and enthusiasm and watch your ideas sparkle and soar!


