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by Karen Lim Yu Xiu

Weekends often bring in a blend of excitement and a sense of dilemma for many people. While they offer a chance to relax and recharge after a busy week of work or study, they also present an opportunity to tackle unfinished tasks, pursue personal projects, and make the most of the available free time. 

Balancing rest and productivity is challenging but essential for one’s overall well-being. Therefore, to truly make the most out of your weekend, here’s how you can tackle this weekend dilemma:

Prioritise Self-Care


Identify your personal needs for your well-being. Make sure to allocate enough time for rest, self-care activities, and quality moments with loved ones. This helps you recharge and rejuvenate, ensuring you are mentally and physically prepared for the week ahead.

Set Realistic Goals


Recognise your weekend priorities and set achievable goals. Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable ones to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This helps you to make progress in your to-do lists while still allowing time to rest.

Learn the Art of Saying No


It is important to recognise your own boundaries and avoid taking on too much during the weekend. Recognise when to say no to social responsibilities and other obligations that may interfere with your downtime. Remember, taking care of yourself now helps prevent burnout later.

Create a Schedule


Developing a schedule can help you to allocate time for both work and play. Dedicate a specific period of time for leisure activities, personal matters, and responsibilities. Putting together a plan boosts productivity and ensures you get the best of both worlds!

By prioritising self-care, setting realistic goals, following a schedule, and respecting your personal boundaries, you can definitely make the most out of your weekends. Being able to find balance leads to a more satisfying and well-rounded life, where weekends can become both a source of relaxation and accomplishment. As the renowned Roman poet Ovid wisely said, “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”

