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by Fanthagiro Michelle D’silva

Task paralysis is the frustrating feeling when you know you have a long to-do list, but you just can’t seem to get started. While similar to procrastination, task paralysis has a unique cause: it’s not about choosing to delay tasks, but about feeling unable to begin at all. 🛏️

Procrastination and task paralysis are two related but distinct phenomena that often hinder our ability to complete tasks and achieve our goals. While they may appear similar on the surface, understanding the differences between them can help individuals identify and address these challenges more effectively.

Procrastination: You consciously put off tasks in favour of more enjoyable or easier activities. You know you should be working, but instead, you choose to delay.

Task paralysis: You want to start but feel stuck, often due to perfectionism. The relentless pursuit of flawlessness can become a paralysing force. Picture that you’re striving for the perfect outcome, endlessly revising and second-guessing yourself, and before you know it, you’re caught in a loop of hesitation.

To combat this, here are some strategies:

🧩 Divide Tasks into Smaller Chunks

Break down overwhelming tasks into manageable pieces. This makes starting easier and helps build momentum.

📌 Prioritise and Focus on What Matters

 Address urgent and important tasks first, ensuring your energy is spent wisely.

🎯 Set Realistic Goals

Avoid setting goals that feel overwhelming. Instead of aiming too high, start with achievable objectives, giving yourself a sense of progress.

🩹 Embrace Imperfections

Let go of the need for perfection. Remember, “Done is better than perfect.” Mistakes offer valuable lessons and are part of the growth process.

By managing expectations and breaking tasks down, you can overcome task paralysis and regain control of your productivity. By adopting these strategies, you can effectively tackle your to-do list, reduce anxiety, and achieve your goals with greater ease and confidence. 👍