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by Anishametra Saravanan 

‘Emotions don’t belong in the workplace.’  

While it still may be a notion that has stuck around, this common misconception can be challenged in a simple flip of the script. If we buy into the idea that emotions have no place at work, we’re essentially robbing ourselves of the other emotions such as joy and fulfillment that our professional journey can bring.  

As Harvard Medical School’s psychologist and author of Emotional Agility, Susan David put it, “Our raw feelings can be the messengers we need to teach us things about ourselves and can prompt insights into important life directions.”  

So, what good can possibly come from navigating emotions in the workplace? 

Learn to Embrace What You Feel

The workplace isn’t just about tasks and deadlines; it’s a stage for a variety of emotions. Embracing this emotional landscape isn’t a weakness; it’s a superpower. By learning to deal with your emotions, you begin to understand the nuances of your feelings and leverage them to enhance your professional journey. 

Understand the Power of Emotional Intelligence

At the core of emotional navigation lies the concept of emotional intelligence (EI). Your ability to recognise and respond to your own emotions and your colleagues is the cornerstone of effective communication and collaboration. It’s the difference between a workplace filled with tension and one buzzing with positive vibes. 

Build A Thriving Workplace

In the grand scheme of professional success, emotional navigation is a game-changer. It influences how you handle stress, collaborate with your teammates and adapt to change. A high level of emotional intelligence sets the stage for effective leadership, ensuring that you not only manage your emotions but inspire others to do the same. It’s a ripple effect that transforms the workplace into an environment where everyone builds each other up. 

As we navigate the intricate waters of our work emotions, remember that this journey isn’t just about steering through challenges; it’s about bringing your whole self to work. Next week, we’ll delve into a practical guide featuring a few easy steps to embrace the emotions you’re feeling. Yes, you read that right – bringing your authentic self to work, emotions and all. So, stay tuned for insightful tips on creating a workplace where your emotions aren’t just acknowledged but celebrated as valuable contributors to your professional narrative. Until then, happy navigating! 


