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by Anishametra Saravanan 

Every year, YTL employees are invited to nominate their fellow colleagues for the coveted BTRT Awards. These awards celebrate those among the YTL family that embody the 5 core values of our Group – Honesty, Hard Work, Moral Responsibility, Togetherness and Vitality – not just in the workplace but beyond.  

These 5 winners have truly gone the extra mile and are an inspiration to many of us. Are you ready to find out who are this year’s recipients of the prestigious Light Brick Trophy? 

Ruslan Anwar Mohd Saleh, Head of Safety of YTL Construction

Ruslan is described as a firm favourite with the Bosses. Ever knowledgeable, reliable, responsible and humble, despite holding a high position himself, he makes himself available to everyone, sharing his experience and passing down his expertise to his subordinates.  He is very hands-on and admired for his out-of-the-box thinking.   One of the nominations he received, quotes One of the best parts of the job is getting to work with him. He is a great leader and I am honoured to be learning and working alongside with him”  

Ruslan is also currently doing his PhD to further improve his skills and he continues to inspire all of us with his dedication and commitment to continuous learning and upskilling.  

Chan Oi Li, Account Executive of YTL Corporation

The next winner, Chan Oi Li, is an incredibly inspiring individual from YTL Corporation who has made quite an impression on her nominator. The nomination goes:  

“I am a fresh graduate who has been with the Company for more than 3 years, and this individual has been one of the people who has greatly helped and inspired me as I assimilate into the corporate world after my undergraduate studies. She is one of the kindest and helpful colleagues I have encountered in the Company thus far. She works diligently and always delivers her work on time and with minimum error possible. She would definitely own up and apologize for a mistake whether big or small and never fails to find a solution to solve… even the most minute problem. When she is around, everyone is well taken care of equally. We get to learn her virtues by example.  

I believe she has taught me a lot during my time here, whether it is humility, generosity or kindness and seeing the positive side in every situation. ”  

Bernard Leong, Head of Business Architecture of FrogAsia

Bernard has been described as the embodiment of the BTRT values from a millennial. He works hard, putting in extra hours even during weekends, to make sure that his work is up to his rigorous standards. Always taking full ownership of his work, he is a great team player and is always helpful to colleagues who need assistance. He shows humility, honesty and transparency in all that he does. Bernard is always open to new methods of working and brings new perspective to the way he presents his work. Already hailed as a great mentor at a young age, he never backs down in finding solutions for issues faced at work. 

Woon Wei Li, Head of Department, Leasing and Special Project of YTL Land

Our next winner, Woon Wei Li, is a very hard worker and is often the last one to leave the office. Her job requires her to market and meet prospective Mall tenants which she does so excellently. She believes in her responsibility to pursue positive change for the good of the company, protects the company’s interest while also being ethical in her dealings with tenants. Her dedication goes beyond and sees her carrying her business cards to other shopping malls which she uses when trying to convince cool tenants to move to Lot 10 or Starhill. She can often be found in Lot 10 with her family in tow, even during the weekends. 

Why you ask? Apparently, it’s “to help contribute to foot traffic and to support the shops in YTL malls”.   

The YTL Learning Academy of YTL Construction

Our final BTRT Award goes to the only team so far in BTRT Awards history, who has received numerous nominations from several different companies! Having started only 2 years ago during the pandemic, the YTL Learning Academy was just doing their job to ramp up learning programs. The numerous nominations it received showed the big role and impact it had in making the lockdown more bearable as employees were still able to learn and experience personal growth through the team’s initiatives. The team’s multiple programs also brought the YTL family closer together with many staff making new friends among colleagues they would never otherwise meet. Many nominators also mentioned how the learning experience was pleasant and very relatable to their daily life – living up to the awards name of Building the Right Thing for YTL as a whole.    

Congratulations to all the deserving winners and thank you for inspiring all of us to continue our journey in Building the Right Thing. If you know someone that should be recognised, nominations for next year are open now! 


Click on the button below to submit your nominations.