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by Caryl Teh

The measure of the health and strength of a company is not just in its list of achievements, but more importantly, in the character of its people. And you know what? Each of us should be proud to be part of a company whose award recognition for Building The Right Thing doesn’t just encompass construction and land development projects or world-class getaway experiences, but also those who make it possible.

“In December 2015, the SPYTL camps caught fire. We immediately called the bomba, evacuated everyone and called for an emergency meeting. At 4pm the next day, we brought them rice, clothes, blankets and towels. Not necessarily everything is given in the procedures. What is important is that we act genuinely to help others.”

Mohan Perumal2016 BTRT Award Winner

The Building The Right Thing (BTRT) Awards was launched in 2016 at the annual YTL Leadership Conference, for the very purpose of celebrating those individuals and teams. And as they bring the five YTL core values to life in their every day, the Award brings their stories to the wider Group.

“Sometimes my job entails stress and tight deadlines, and I’m far from calm or positive. But I don’t mind putting in the extra hours, like coming into work a bit earlier or replying emails at 3am, because I believe that we must deliver our best work to ensure a better tomorrow.”

Pang Teng Wah2018 BTRT Award Winner

If you’re new to YTL, a classic feature of the Award is the light brick trophy. You might wonder, “Why a light bulb on top of a cement brick?”. Well, each component carries its own meaning and significance. The concrete form of the grey brick represents our roots as an infrastructure conglomerate. Just as each brick in a building must be strong, so that it can be built upon, each winner receives their own brick to remind them that no matter what designation they hold, the work they do and the presence they bring to the office each day is a vital contribution to the strength of their team, and in turn, the company.

“Every single day is a challenge for my team. Event production covers every little technical aspect and most of the time this means working 16-20 hours a day. It can drain you. I don’t choose to work this way, that’s just the job. But when I do it with passion and focus on positive thoughts to ensure that all tasks are done well, it’s worth the sleepless nights.”

Felix Rabindranath Paul2018 BTRT Award Winner

The light bulb is a symbol of vitality and innovation. The YTL journey began by building physical infrastructure. But over the years, our focus has expanded to building up the people in the company equipping them with the tools to go forth and create positive change in the wider community.

“I have been in conservation for a long time. In any country, you need to build relationships between the wildlife department like Sabah Park, and the authorities, like the Forest Department. I believe very much that when you do one thing as a team, the result will be more appealing.”

Justin Juhun2016 BTRT Award Winner

As part of the YTL family, you are tasked with Building The Right Thing – lasting value. The BTRT Awards is a call to actively seek this YTL DNA in those around us, celebrate them for it, and provide inspiring stories, demonstrating what that could look like in our own lives. Who do you think deserves a BTRT Award?

“I like solo travelling to self-reflect. Once when I was going through a challenging transition phase at work, I went to see the mountains in Nepal. And I realised that once I’ve seen the big mountain, I don’t care about the small hills anymore.”

Tan Siew Ling2021 BTRT Award Winner