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by Athirah Sofea


The battle against the snooze button is a universal struggle. 



Whether you’re a natural night owl or someone who could easily hibernate until noon, the war with morning grogginess is real. If you’re tired of the jittery side effects of caffeine but still crave that morning kick-start, we’ve got you covered! 


Here are some fun and effective tips to keep you alert without resorting to a caffeine injection: 

  • Light

    Our body’s natural clock is tuned to the amount of light. Therefore, switch on the lights in your room right after waking up as this creates your own personal sunrise. This helps trick your body into thinking
    it’s time to wake up.

  • Exercise

    If morning runs aren’t your cup of tea (or coffee) then try doing a few pushups to jumpstart your heart and thaw away any lingering sleepiness. Who needs a morning jog when you can have a morning pump? 

  • The 10-Minute Rule

    Commit to staying awake for at least ten minutes after your alarm rings. Once you survive that initial phase, the desire to crawl back under the covers tends to disappear. It’s like a mini victory against the forces of morning lethargy. 

  • Active Work
    Start your day with mental gymnastics. Engage in creative activities like writing, drawing, programming, or designing. Passive activities like reading may keep you in a state of perpetual grogginess, while an active mind fights off the sleep demons. 
  • Don’t Skip Breakfast

    Breakfast is not just a meal; it’s a superhero cape for your metabolism. Skipping it throws your system into chaos, leading to unwanted fat gain and energy loss. Keep the breakfast flame burning and watch your energy levels soar. 

  • Commit to a Sleep Schedule

    Instead of playing the dangerous game of accumulating sleep debt throughout the week, commit to a consistent sleep schedule. Give your body the 6-8 hours of nightly rest it deserves. Remember, you can’t binge-sleep your way to recovery on weekends. 

  • Pump Up the VolumeLet the beats resonate through your morning blues. Music or audio books can be your morning anthem,

    providing the perfect soundtrack to kickstart your day. Bonus points if your audio book features your favourite motivational speaker – nothing says “Good morning” like a pep talk. 

While caffeine may offer a quick fix, the post-caffeine crashes and the potential risk of becoming dependent on caffeine for energy and disrupting natural sleep patterns make it worth considering alternatives.  


Whether you’re sensitive to caffeine or simply seeking a reason to wake up and embrace the day without the need for a coffee crutch, these tips are here to help you conquer your mornings. So, bid farewell to the jitters and say hello to a more vibrant, caffeine-free start to your day!Â