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BTRT Awards 2023

Tips for an award-winning nomination


K.I.S.S—Keep It Simple and Sincere

It’s not all about fancy words. Writing a novel will not give your nominee a better chance of winning the award. Rather, we’re looking for simple, honest, from-the-heart stories.

Don’t just list a bunch of general characteristics

Eg. “He is a very cool boss. Kind. Best of the best.” or “She is a workaholic. Passionate. Amazing colleague.” Such general statements by themselves are not enough to be an award-winning nomination. We know that YTL employees are already amazing on their own. But what we’re looking for are stories that show why they are amazing and stand out from the rest. This brings us to the next tip…

Don’t just copy and paste job descriptions from the internet

We have received such nominations before (they did not make the shortlist). The BTRT Award encompasses so much more than just a running list of checkbox duties of a position or delegation.

Share personal anecdotes

We love receiving personal anecdotes! It doesn’t have to be someone you know very well personally – it can be anyone who has impacted you even if you only worked with them the one time. What we’re looking for are specifics about why they stand out from the rest. Here are some examples of what we mean by “specifics” or “personal anecdotes”:

Nicknames & Reasons Behind It

2018 Darren Mario: “Mr Congeniality” because he makes himself approachable to his colleagues, who find solace in approaching him for advice (even on HR matters!).

2019 Alex Ho: a “Guardian Angel” to his colleague who was trapped in a lift – when he saw her on CCTV, he Whatsapped her for 30 minutes just to ensure that she wouldn’t panic.


Specific Incidents

2018 Felix Rabindranath: Even when he was involved in a hit-and-run accident and had a concussion, he made his wife drive him back to the hotel to check on an event to ensure everything was in order.

2019 Roslee Haron: Once, when he heard there was a slope collapse on site that needed his attention, he drove from Kajang all the way to Bekok, even though he had just arrived home for the weekend.

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