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by Anishametra Saravanan  

Source: Google 

From her popular Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo (2019) and Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo (2021) to her well-curated Instagram account, you’ve probably noticed that Marie Kondo’s minimalistic approach to cleaning out the clutter in your home goes beyond organising your kitchen and wardrobe. The KonMari Method – developed by the world-renowned cleaning consultant and international bestselling author herself – goes by a simple rule: if an item doesn’t spark joy within you, toss it.   

But you may be wondering: How does it apply to my workspace? Can I utilise the same cleaning techniques in my office, where clutter inevitably builds up?  

Well, we’re here to tell you it can be done and here’s how you can “Marie Kondo” your workspace:  

Less physical space, more cloud storage

There is a good chance that you are already using cloud storage for most things such as documentation, collaboration projects and photos. However, it’s a good idea to go through your documents that you use daily—especially any hardcopy files—and ask yourself, “Can I save valuable space and time by keeping this in the cloud?” 

Just be sure to use the cloud service that your company prefers, such as Microsoft Teams’ SharePoint for collaborations and OneDrive for personal use. By doing so, you will not only be able to clean up clutter, but also streamline your daily tasks in a much more efficient manner. 

Remove papers and files from your desk

If you’re ready to take the next step in Kondo-ising your workspace, here’s a rule for you: no papers or files are allowed on your desk.  

In today’s paperless workflow processes, it’s best to switch to digital documentation for your current and future projects so you don’t leave them around your work desk. That being said, you will probably need to store some of your items such as physical files in your drawer for long-term use.  

Limit your personal decorations on your desk

We have to admit; it’s nice to have a few personal belongings, figurines and doodads on our desk to remind us of a happy memory or a loved one. Your desk should be a clear and functional workspace that promotes concentration and productivity. A minimalist approach to decorating your space can help you feel more organised and efficient. 

Organise your cables

Tangled cables are one of the worst types of clutter and thankfully, there’s a way to resolve this issue. Consider a cable organiser or charging cable, preferably one that can hold multiple devices if necessary. Not only will you save precious time from plugging and unplugging your devices, but it will also help rid your desk of annoying cables 

Allocate a 5-minute trash time at the end of each day

Set a timer to remind yourself about five minutes before you clock out for the day to clean up your desk. Put away your items, make lastminute adjustments, and clear away temporary clutter so that it’s not left for the next day. This simple habit ensures that you have a clean desk to work on the following day. Trust us, your future self will appreciate it. 

And there you have it: five simple steps to declutter your workspace! By taking the time to organise your desk every day, you will create a sense of control and order that can contribute to a more positive and productive work environment. 

P.S. If you’re looking to add some cool official YTL merchandise to your desk to help keep you organised, head on over to ByYTL! 

If you have any questions, do contact us at [email protected]