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by Caryl Teh

There’s no such thing as having too many ways to show you appreciate someone, like your teammates! One thing that could make your thanks even more meaningful is to express it in a way that your intended recipient receives best. So today, we’ll be exploring some ways you can show your gratitude, and love, for coworkers adapted from the love languages popularised by Gary Chapman:

  1. Words Of Affirmation
  2. Quality Time
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Acts of Service

1. Words Of Affirmation

Even without the backup evidence of psychology studies, we know that conveying thanks to your teammates improves confidence, motivation and morale. So be generous with your praise! When you think someone has a great idea or executed well on a project, make a point of saying it in words:

  • Maybe a couple of fun emojis like ?? or a gif in your team chat
  • Incorporate team wins, bravos or shout outs as a standing agenda item in team meetings

2. Quality Time

If a coworker feels siloed and like their work exists in a vacuum, maybe they need some group time to recharge You could have lunch or after-work drinks, but positive company culture is another aspect of quality time. Here’s a mix of work and non-work-related suggestions on what you can do:

  • Make time to understand each other’s goals
  • Engage with their ideas in a brainstorming session
  • Give them feedback on their projects
  • Ice breakers when new people join the team, or just for fun! 
  • Team outings/activities

When teammates have opportunities to get to know each other better on a personal level, the whole team will feel more valued, included and inspired. And when they next have to work on a project together, they’ll be much more comfortable to spur each other on.

3. Receiving Gifts

We’re certainly not telling you to forget your ABC’s, but there’s no denying that employees feel valued by their company when subsidised life benefits are part of their employee perks. Here are some suggestions:

  • Free team meals
  • Compensated gym memberships
  • Birthday acknowledgements (with cupcakes!)
  • A “kudos” or thank you card that includes a donation of a specific amount to a charity of their choice

4. Acts Of Service

A person whose love language is Acts Of Service feels valued when others chime in to help them solve a complex problem or navigate blockers with them. Here are some ways you can show you appreciate them:

  • When you see a co-worker taking on too much and subsequently drowning in work, offer to help take something off their plate. 
  • If you’re working in a team, anticipate what resources your teammate might need and go out of your way to find it for them. 
  • If problems arise, jump into the trenches to see what solution you can come up with.

Professional + Love Languages = Great Team Communication ❤️

So which professional love language speaks most clearly to you? When and how do you feel most valued at work? Communicate that to your manager. Then more importantly, think about your teammates and try to understand how they best receive appreciation. Communicating to coworkers in their preferred professional love language will help you collaborate better, leading to a happier and more productive work environment.

So go on, spread the love! ?