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Choose to Refuse Single Use Plastic

Plastic Free July is a global movement that empowers millions of people to be part of a future with cleaner land, oceans and communities through making conscious choices to refuse single use plastic. By making small changes we can collectively make a big difference.

Check out Plastic Free July’s website to learn more on how to reduce single use plastic consumption!

Here are some tips to help you get started with the plastic free movement if you haven't already.

Refuse Plastic Bags

Giving plastic bags a wide berth could be one of your baby steps towards plastic free living.

Choose Reusables

Consider reusable alternatives which offer better quality than single-use products.

Shop in Bulk

Pay a visit to the bulk store and wet markets to discover fresher and cheaper groceries!

Repurpose Old Items

Get wild with your creativity and innovation by converting your existing SUPs into something useful.

Are you ready to take the Plastic Free July challenge? Together we can make a difference and be part of the solution!

Are you facing difficulties in reducing your plastic use? Download “My Little Plastic Footprint” app to help monitor and reduce your plastic consumption!

This inspiring video shows how Sandra has been in a toxic relationship for too long. She enjoyed the companionship and convenience until she realised the damage caused by the relationship to herself and the environment. Feeling they were no longer compatible she decided to break-up, and since then Sandra has been on a new date, and she lives a better life with less harmful impacts.

Together we can create a ripple effect that can spread to the people around us and have a huge impact that leads to a cleaner planet.

The Journey Continues…

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