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Planning Styles, Part II: An Assortment 

by Shameera Nair Lin

In the first part of our two-parter on ways to go about planning your day, we looked at the bullet journal, Passion Planner and work notebook methods. This time, we asked our colleagues how they planned their work. Here are some of their suggestions

1. Sticky notes everywhere!  

Here, we have a method endorsed by more than one person. Take sticky notes, write down your tasks and paste them around your work desk. As you get around to finishing your tasks, remove these notes accordingly. You could create lists, or place one task per note. But for environmental purposes, we would absolutely urge you to consider the former.  

2. To-do list on Teams 

Sure, you could write a to-do list in your bullet journals and planners, or just about anywhere. But if you find yourself on Microsoft Teams, why not take full advantage of the built-in to-do list application called Tasks by Planner and To Do? When using the app, you are able to file tasks under different lists, prioritise and even assign tasks to colleagues on Teams. 

3. Notion  

We swear by this method. Notion is an application where you are able to customise all your planning needs in one place, much like a digital notebook. While slightly overwhelming at first, Notion offers options to integrate your data in a way that truly offers something for just about everyone. An alternative to Notion, Trello, is also available for similar purposes.  

4. Combine methods 

Truth is, it might be difficult to maintain one planning style across the board if you work in an environment where adaptation is important. Or maybe you’re someone who benefits from a multitude of approaches. There is, in fact, nothing to prevent you from combining our suggestions and seeing what could work for you!  

We hope these suggestions have proven useful. On a final note, keep an eye out for our upcoming feature on tips and tricks you could implement in your daily usage of Microsoft Teams!