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Dear YTL Family,

We would like to notify all employees that the Company’s Personal Data Protection Notice for YTL Corporation Group (Employees & Talents) has been amended recently to include the following purpose clause (2)(i):-

  • to process or conduct analytical research, performance tracking, benchmarking and/or to enable you to participate in other services provided by us and/or any of our affiliate/subsidiary companies using data which may be anonymised or aggregated or otherwise;
  • to send and/or publish appropriate internal or external communication and publicity material (including via social media in appropriate circumstances);

This change has been made to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and to enhance the standards of personal data protection within our organisation.

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department at 03-20380888.

Warm Regards,
The YTL HR Department