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by Anishametra Saravanan

Networking with people can be a valuable tool for building relationships, expanding your professional network, and finding new opportunities. However, for some people, networking can be intimidating and awkward. If you’re looking to improve your networking skills, try these strategies to make your networking easier and more effective. 

1. Have the right mindset

Firstly, it’s important to approach networking with the right mindset. Rather than viewing networking as a transactional process where you’re trying to get something from the other person, focus on building genuine relationships and providing value to others. A great way to shift your mindset is to go beyond thinking, “What’s in it for me?” to ask “How can I help?”. This can make the process more enjoyable and natural, and it can help you create more meaningful connections.  

2. Do your research beforehand

Another effective strategy for networking is to be prepared. Before attending a networking event, do some research on the attendees and the organisations they represent. This can help you identify potential connections and prepare questions to ask them. Additionally, bring your business cards and other materials that can help others remember you and follow up with you after the event. 

3. Ready? Set. Engage!

Once you’re at the event, it’s important to be approachable and open to meeting new people. Rather than standing in a corner by yourself, make an effort to engage with others and initiate conversations. This can be as simple as asking someone about their work or their interests in general. When you’re speaking with someone, be sure to listen attentively and show genuine interest in what they have to say. 

4. Follow up and follow through

If you told someone you’d get in touch with them, do it and reaffirm your intent to assist in any way you can. Everyone is busy these days with jobs, families, events, commitments. Even so, it takes no more than a minute to shoot off an email to introduce two people you want to connect. Although it may seem trivial, little things like that mean a lot to people and just one introduction can end up changing someone’s life for the better.


Networking with people can be a valuable tool for building relationships and expanding your professional network. By approaching networking with the right mindset, being prepared, and being open to meeting new people, you can make the process easier, more effective and incredibly meaningful.



