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by Chok Min Qi 




Guaranteed employment. 

These words might conjure feelings of restraint, but as a YTL Scholar, I’ve come to realise that they are more than just contractual terms; they are steppingstones to personal and professional growth. While my journey began at the age of 19, the lessons and experiences I’ve gained have transformed me into a more capable and resilient individual. It has provided me with a unique vantage point from which I’ve witnessed the true potential of commitment and dedication. 

A Springboard for Growth

It’s not just a contract; it’s an opportunity to dive into the deep waters of learning and development. From mastering tasks to navigating workplace dynamics, I’ve grown leaps and bounds, both as a professional and as an individual. 

The opportunity given to learn and work at Menara YTL holds a profound significance in my life. While some might view it as a mere obligation, for me, it’s a beacon of hope and transformation. I come from a background where financial instability and the weight of poverty cast a shadow on aspirations.  

Gain Experience to Gain Experience

The paradox of experience is that you need it to gain it. My scholarship bond has given me an invaluable chance to break this cycle. The real-world exposure gained from my internship has translated into tangible skills that are prized in the industry.  

Every chance I get to intern at YTL, I’ve found myself immersed in a world of learning and growth. It’s not just about acquiring technical skills; it’s about embracing a culture of continuous development. This experience is even more profound considering my origins from a rural area where city norms are viewed as luxury. The prospect of working in a prestigious company like YTL was beyond my imagination. However, my bond scholarship has turned that dream into a reality. Each day I spend working in Menara YTL is an opportunity to bridge the gap between my past and my future aspirations.  

Not the Be-All and End-All

While the bond agreement outlines a certain period of commitment, it’s important to recognise that it’s not the be-all and end-all of my career journey. Instead, it’s a chapter in the larger story I’m crafting. With every day that passes, I’m gaining insights about my strengths, passions, and areas for growth. This knowledge is shaping my career trajectory beyond the bounds of the scholarship agreement.

Without this scholarship, I would not have had any chance of pursuing further education. Since survival is a daily struggle in my hometown, to be candid, I would likely have found myself stuck in a cycle of limited opportunities. It’s the kind of job environment where many people are living hand to mouth, an existence commonly referred to as a ‘kais pagi makan pagi’ kind of job.” The prospect of career advancement and significant achievement would have been a pipe dream. Education, coupled with this bond, has become a ticket out of that vicious circle.

A scholarship is far more than a pat on the back or a token of recognition. It stands for a chance that surpasses the financial constraints that have thwarted so many dreams. It’s a lifeline offered to those like me from backgrounds where obtaining a top-notch education was only a faraway ideal, masked by the hard realities of daily struggles.

In essence, a bond scholarship isn’t a tether that holds us back, it’s a tapestry of opportunities that weaves together growth, experience, and aspirations. As I continue on this journey, I’m reminded that the commitment I made is a promise to myself- a promise to grasp every chance to learn, evolve, and transform into the professional I aspire to be.