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by Chok Min Qi 

I remember what it felt like when I started my very first internship in YTL. I was 20 years old, and I remember vividly how I thought my sneakers were too squeaky with each step I took on the wooden floorboards. I remember how nervous I was in my presentation, the way I dressed didn’t seem corporate or mature enough, but then I realised the point of an internship is for me to learn! 

Fast forward to today—my third internship with YTL—and oh boy, how things have changed. I’ve noticed I’m more confident and less nervous, I’m less judgmental of the way I present myself, though I still do my best to keep up with the proper image of professionalism. Looking back, I was so afraid of making mistakes that I didn’t learn anything. Today, I am glad that I’m not as hard on myself anymore. 

So, if you’d like some perspectives of an intern, I’m here to share the not-so-secret secrets of surviving and thriving in your first corporate gig while having a blast along the way. 

The Squeaky Sneaker Saga:

Let’s face it; we’ve all been there. Sneakers or not, our first-day footsteps could rival a symphony – even if it’s just in our own heads. Picture this: your first day at the office, and with every step, your sneakers unleash a symphony of squeaks. Self-consciousness is real but embrace the “squeak”. Fear not, because this quirky overture is your introduction to the corporate world. You’re here to make an entrance, after all!  

PS Being mindful of your workplace dress code is crucial, as you wouldn’t want to appear underdressed when starting a new job. Remember, the initial impression you make is significant. 

Nervous or Not, It's Showtime:

Remember those days when you thought you weren’t “corporate” or “mature” enough? Well, newsflash: You’re you, and your skills, talent or very presence could just be what your new workplace needs. The point of an internship is to learn, grow and contribute along the way, so give your best, but don’t be too hard on yourself.

Lunchtime Adventure:

Ah yes, the epic What’s for lunch?” question. Cafeteria, local restaurants, or your homemade masterpiece? It’s a daily adventure. Why not turn it into a culinary exploration with your colleagues? And who knows, you might discover some hidden foodie gems together. 

Cracking the Office Code:

Office culture is like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. But don’t stress; even Indiana Jones had to start somewhere. Ask your coworkers for guidance, observe, and adapt at your own pace. 

Party of New Faces:

Meeting new colleagues is like attending a never-ending party. Be the life of the party by initiating conversations, joining team events, and building bonds. Who says networking can’t be fun? 

So, whether you’re learning to conquer those squeaky sneakers or navigating the mysteries of office culture, remember that your colleague is human too. Embrace the adventure, make mistakes (but don’t drive your superior up the wall), and have a blast along the way. Your first corporate job is the beginning of a journey filled with laughter, growth, and countless surprises. So go ahead, ask questions, dance through the challenges, and enjoy the ride!