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From 6th December until 10th December 2021, the annual YTL Leadership Conference (LEAD) was held with over 700 participants from different companies involved. A series of seminars on various topics pertaining to leadership, fitness and even yoga lessons offered insight. Today, we will be going through a few highlights from the first day.


The conference was officiated with the annual opening address by Tan Sri (Sir) Francis Yeoh, Executive Chairman of YTL. With crises looming over our world, Tan Sri Francis’ speech sought to address how present events affect us and how efficiency should come into transformation. For instance, he raised the issue of ‘bullshit jobs’, a term coined by the late David Graeber to describe meaningless jobs. Acknowledging the need for certain jobs to be done more effectively, Tan Sri Francis nonetheless affirms that in YTL, it is about transforming ourselves to manage this process through arming workers with the right tools and attitudes to manage this process. Another key takeaway is that of technology: we must transform ourselves to understand the advent of technology, and embrace opportunities offered in transformation.


Tan Sri Francis’ speech was followed by a keynote address by Lim Siong Guan, former head of the Singaporean Civil Service and currently a professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. Titled ‘Beyond COVID: Looking to the Unknown Unknown’, the keynote covered what it means to lead with excellence and the strength in diversity. Leadership is, according to Mr. Lee, about making good things happen which would otherwise not happen on their own. In weighing excellence, reeducating and reinventing ourselves are the first steps forward. 


Towards the end of the day, CEOs  from YTL companies gathered to discuss how COVID-19 has affected our businesses and people. They offered insights on how they have led their companies amidst the challenges of the pandemic. A key change in behaviour was noted to be important, because the pain of staying the same becomes greater than changing. Just as crucially, communication was cited to be integral, alongside trust and empowerment without micromanagement, in leading staff.


To conclude the evening, the annual Directors’ Panel was held, where YTL Directors were present to answer questions posed by YTL leaders. These mainly focused on challenges resulting from the pandemic, as well as opportunities and businesses to look forward to as we head into a new normal. 


The rest of the conference was packed with informative sessions on a broad range of topics, from Japanese bullet trains to Amazon’s work model. Throughout 2022, keep an eye out as we release videos of most sessions for all to learn from.Â