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by Anishametra Saravanan 

Since joining YTL, I’ve gained some insights into the wide range of professions an organisation can encompass. There are countless jobs out there that often remain as hidden gems, waiting to be discovered. Just like the diverse array of professions found within YTL, where we operate in various industries including construction, hotels, telecommunications and more, the world of work is teeming with roles that many would never have imagined. 

Today, we stand on the precipice of an exciting journey into the realm of jobs that may have eluded your knowledge until now. So, without further ado, let’s dive headfirst into this captivating exploration of the unknown, shall we? 

Nail polish namer

Coming up with copy ideas and catchphrases for Monday Memo may be fun but wait ‘til you hear about the creative geniuses at OPI, Essie, and other renowned nail polish brands who take the art of creativity and copy brainstorming to a whole new level! 

While names such as “Udon Know Me,” “Sea, Sun and Sand in My Pants,” and “Hunger Flames” seem to have fallen from the sky, these product names are the brainchild of professional nail polish namers. The brainstorm sessions behind these seemingly simple names are shrouded in secrecy, lasting for hours as these brilliant masterminds strive to capture the essence of each unique hue.  

Seat filler

Ever dreamed of rubbing elbows with A-list stars at red carpet events? Seat fillers are hired to do just that for major awards shows like the Oscars, the Golden Globes and the Emmys  – to take seats when attendees get up so that the venue always looks full for the camera. 

And just like us, who can’t help but feel a little starstruck when spotting our Board of Directors at a big event for the first time, seat fillers get a taste of that awe-inspiring moment when they find themselves sitting next to the likes of Taylor Swift, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt. 

Professional bridesmaid

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.  

Literally. But fear not, for in the realm of weddings, the concept of family and togetherness still reigns supreme. To ensure weddings go smoothly and without a hitch, a few companies exist to pair pro bridesmaids with brides-to-be. These companies offer a range of packages so your bridesmaid of choice can do as much or as little as you want. Think of her as a wedding planner and a bestie all in one. (And she’ll never protest your choice of bridesmaid dresses. It’s a win-win!)

Professional sleeper

One of the only professions where you’ll ever get rewarded for sleeping on the job. 

Sleep researchers and doctors recruit test subjects for sleeping studies, and all you’d have to do is snooze through it all! Additionally, professional sleepers are hired from time-to-time by hotels to test the comfort level and overall sleep-ability of their rooms. So, if you ever find us snoozing at the Ritz or JW Mariott, just know that we’re on the job, ensuring the best restful experience for all future guests.  😉 

(We’re joking, we promise.) 

Source: Jay’s Brick Blog

LEGO Master Builder

Our esteemed and brilliant architects over at YTL Construction are the epitome of visionary design and unparalleled craftsmanship, playing a crucial role in building our nation. But did you know hidden within the colourful realm of creativity and imagination lies a group of artisans who bring childhood dreams to life?

Yes, we’re talking about LEGO Master Builders! With a meticulous eye for detail and an unmatched understanding of the LEGO universe, they build towering castles, bustling cityscapes, and intricate sculptures that leave spectators spellbound. While their profession may seem like a page torn straight from a child’s wildest fantasies, LEGO Master Builders remind us that the simple act of playing can give rise to extraordinary creations!






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