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by Athirah Sofea


“I am constantly growing and evolving into a better person.” 

“My soul radiates from the inside and warms the souls of others. “ 

“All I need is within me right now.” 


Are negative thoughts holding you back from being your best-self? 


These self-sabotaging thoughts need to stop as you don’t want it to affect your work, relationships and other important aspects of your life. One effective way to combat negative thoughts is through positive thinking and self-affirmation.  


And if you are not familiar with that, an affirmation is made up of powerful positive phrases that can cultivate an optimistic mindset. To maximize its effectiveness, target specific issues or concerns you’re facing and consistently repeat the chosen affirmation daily – it’s super easy and incredibly powerful! 

Below are the benefits and importance of self-affirmation: 

  • It calms your nerves and helps you to respond in a less defensive way when you are presented with threats.
  • It helps you to control negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, stress or impatience.
  • It’s able to build you up and boost your self-esteem.
  • It can help you improve productivity and perform better at work.
  • It encourages positive changes in your life and improve your chances of a successful outcome.
  • It helps you start your day in a positive light and minimize negativity. 
  • It can rewire your brain to believe in yourself and what you are capable of achieving.

Find your own preferred method of practising positive affirmation, whether by saying them out loud or silently in your mind, or even writing it down and place it somewhere visible. There is no right method for everyone. The true power of affirmations lies in regular repetition.  


Positive self-affirmation has a powerful impact on how you see yourself and your future. By practicing self-affirmation, you can bring positive changes to your life and maintain your self-worth.