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by Athirah Sofea


Morning Huddles have been a common practice for many organisations. It helps individuals to start the day with clarity and focus. 


Be it a daily practice or a weekly meeting, it sets the rhythm for the team where all team members reflect and communicate on the wins, challenges, and anything else that’s important. Establishing the morning huddle helps to reduce the communication gaps and keep everyone focused and work towards a common goal.  


Keep your morning huddles concise and focused by establishing some ground rules, such as no problem-solving or going down rabbit holes of conversation, as well as starting and ending on time. These tips are essential to maintain its effectiveness for everyone on the team.


Here are some ideas on how you can amp up your morning huddle: 

  • Music
    Get your team together over a song. Playing an upbeat song while waiting for everyone to join may help get everyone’s energy running and ready for the workday ahead.


  • Attitude of Gratitude
    Share what you are grateful for or thank someone. This encourages positive interactions between teammates, besides helping to build trust and empathy in the workplace. 


  • Newsflash and AHA! moments
    Share any news items with the team. Let people share a piece of interesting news to start the meeting and get everyone engaged in the conversation.


  • Focus for the Day
    Each person shares their focus for the day, such as the day’s action plan and any necessary adjustments to the day’s workflow. This will also keep everyone in the loop.


  • Create a Running Record
    Create a running document on the list of current projects and initiatives that you and your team members can continuously co-edit. This is helpful for making updates and staying organised on any projects.


  • SOS!
    Ask for help or advice if you have any concern. Those who can help can meet after the huddle to discuss further.


  • Next Huddle Master
    Rotate the roll among all team members. This practise can help develop confidence and leadership skills among the team. Having a huddle master can help you manage the meeting better and avoid the chaos. 


Morning huddles are a powerful tool to keep your team members on track, manage their energy, and improve the performance of your team. Hopefully the ideas above will help you start the workday with your team in an effective and exciting manner. Â