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by Athirah Sofea


Facilitators play a vital role in group dynamics, wearing many hats to ensure a smoother process. They not only make the group’s journey easier but also help them work towards their goals. A skilled facilitator can profoundly impact a group by inspiring, motivating, and fostering teamwork, ultimately leading to organisational success.  

We usually rely on a good facilitator to manage groups, resolve conflicts and navigate complex situations. While team members are the primary contributors, the facilitator takes the lead in encouraging and moderating discussions to ensure every person takes part and have their say. 

To make facilitating more effective, we have compiled some helpful tips below. 

  • Practice Active Listening
    Active listening is the ability to truly connect with participants, understanding their emotions and making them feel heard and valued.A facilitator must be able to actively listen to their group and understand what they are trying to say. Paraphrasing, summing up, or using other active listening techniques are great ways to fully grasp and gauge the meaning of what people are saying.

  • Foster Collaboration by Asking Questions 
    Every participant brings unique strengths to the table, and we all know the power of teamwork. One of the best ways to harness collective input is by asking questions that spark collaborative thinking.  
    Ask open-ended questions that can initiate discussions, encourage participation and embrace diverse perspectives. A rich mix of thoughts can lead to innovative solutions and fresh insights. 
  • Stay Impartial 
    When we encourage open discussions, differing viewpoints are bound to arise. It is important that the facilitator exercises the skill of acknowledging and bridging the conversations to stay on track. 
    Treating all participants as equals also fosters an honest, open-minded environment where participants can freely express themselves, solve problems and make decisions collectively.
  • Be Adaptable 
    Not every group dynamic situation will be the same and unexpected challenges might arise. Read the room and pay close attention to the energy and engagement levels of the participants. Leave the room for spontaneity and be ready to pivot or change tactics if you sense disinterest or confusion. 
  • Be Patient
    Patience is a fundamental trait when it comes to facilitating. Stay calm during discussions and encourage dialogues using different questions to resolve issues.  

You may be wondering, how being a facilitator is different than running or leading a meeting? Simply put, a facilitator acts more as an enabler of a group, and this approach works well in brainstorming settings. On the other hand, a leader functions to drive specific agendas, direction and goal while rallying others together to achieve it.

Finally, as a facilitator, keep in mind that your role goes beyond managing a group. It is indeed to cultivate an environment where ideas flow freely, collaboration thrives, and group dynamics soar to new heights, leaving lasting impact on everyone involved. So, don your facilitator’s cape and embrace the role with confidence and empathy. Â