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by Anishametra Saravanan  

Embark on a journey into the heart of Hari Raya (Eid), where vibrant traditions intertwine with heartfelt celebrations. As we delve into this joyous occasion, have you ever pondered how your colleagues embrace the spirit of Raya? Join us as we unveil their diverse perspectives and cherished moments as we get a glimpse into their Raya celebrations. 

Koek Jia Ling

Executive Assistant at YTL Corporation

I am grateful to be able to celebrate Hari Raya as I feel a stronger sense of connection in my faith during this time of year. I feel more connected to God after a full month of increased worship during the month of Ramadan, so when Raya rolls around, I feel much more recharged and devoted to do better throughout the year. Plus, Raya is a time for forgiveness. Sometimes we unintentionally hurt or wrong people, and it’s a good time to seek forgiveness and to let go of any grudge you may be holding onto. It’s a beautiful time to find peace within ourselves. 

Khalif Ikmal

YTL Scholar

I would describe Raya as ‘meriah’ (lively) because to me, it’s very exciting, especially with Ramadan leading up to it. Even on the day itself, it’s nice to see the smiles on my loved ones’ faces. With family and friends gathered, I feel a sense of togetherness when we’re prepping for our open house.  

And most importantly, I look forward to receiving money because I’m still fortunate enough to get ‘duit raya‘ (the giving of money in envelopes as a token of blessings and goodwill during Raya) from my family and my friends’ parents. 

Roslita Aida Rahim

General Manager for Yes Customer Care Centre

For me, Raya is all about giving. It’s a pleasure to give back to our loved ones and the community during this holy time. Being part of the Yes Care team is something I hold very dearly to my heart. Knowing that our team is loyal and committed to serving our Yes customers, even when some of them are meant to be celebrating this joyous occasion with their families, fills me with immense gratitude for being part of such a dedicated team. I love to extend my gratitude to them by sending them lemang and rendang (a staple dish during the festivities consisting of glutinous rice and slow-cooked meat braised in coconut milk) on Hari Raya so that they can still celebrate and feel the festivity of the day. 

Samiullah Attaullah

Product Manager at YTL Power

I married a Malaysian, so celebrating Hari Raya holds significant cultural relevance for me, coming from India. To me, the celebration is all about the food! It starts from the first day of Ramadan and our visits to the various Ramadan bazaars to try different delicacies. It all culminates in the grand celebration where you have immense fun meeting your loved ones and indulging in delicious dishes. 

Basically, it’s all about makan lah (eating). 

Amirah Nur Eiman Azmi

Learning & Development Executive at YTL Construction

I can say that celebrating Raya, especially here at YTL Construction, is something I anticipate annually. During the festivities, my department, along with a few others from the company, come together for a delightful potluck. This tradition not only strengthens our bonds with our teammates but also provides the perfect opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the company and forge new relationships. 

It’s a wonderful time to reflect on our values as individuals and as a team during this festive season.  

It’s during auspicious and festive moments like this that we are reminded of the richness of traditions, the warmth of togetherness, and the joy of giving back. From heartfelt reflections to lively gatherings, each perspective shared has illuminated the essence of this special occasion.

We hope this month is filled with joyous moments for you and your loved ones, and may the spirit of Hari Raya continue to inspire unity and blessings in our hearts and homes.Â