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by Caryl Teh

16 May is Teacher’s Day! We hope you have something special planned to appreciate the teachers in your life who lovingly grow, shape and pass on wisdom to you. In the meantime, here are some interesting facts about schools, teachers and education around the world. 

Celebrating Teacher’s Day around the world

1. World Teacher’s Day or International Teachers’ Day is actually held on 5 October every year. But different countries celebrate their national Teacher’s Day on different days, correlating to either eminent personalities or milestone achievements in the domain of education.

2, In China, Teacher’s Day was started by the National Central University on 27 August 1931, Confucius’s birthday. But it was later shifted to 10 September by the People’s Republic of China in 1985.

3, In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5 September, the birthday of the former President Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. His students loved him so much that they wanted to celebrate this day in his honour, but he requested that they celebrate it by honouring teachers.

Schooling life

4. In Holland, children start school on the day they turn four, which means that there’s always someone new in the class.

5. In Armenia, all children aged six and up are taught chess at school as a mandatory part of their curriculum.

6. In Germany, children receive a special cone called Schultüte, which is filled with pens, pencils, books and snacks. They are only allowed to open it on their first day of school.

The most…

7. The world’s oldest school is in Canterbury, England – The King’s School – which was founded in 597 AD.

8. Pocatello “Poky” High School, in Pocatello Idaho, having obtained numerous reports and security footage, is said to be possibly the most haunted school in the world.

9. La Rosey school in Switzerland is believed to be the most expensive boarding school in the world.

Famous people

10. J.K. Rowling worked as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher in Portugal while concocting the adventures of Harry Potter.

11. Before Lyndon Johnson became the USA’s 36th president, he was a teacher. When he was in his early 20s, he taught at three different schools. Records report that he was an excellent teacher and received many positive references.

12. Clara Barton is best known for founding the American Red Cross, but she was also a respected teacher. She even opened a free public school in New Jersey at a time when there were almost none in the area.

The YTL Group advocates education. That’s why YTL Foundation launched the Learn From Home (LFH) initiative during this MCO. In collaboration with YES and FrogAsia, LFH is making it possible for students to stay engaged with their school curriculum in a new, fun way with interactive online learning material! If you have children in government schools, we encourage you to apply for a free 40GB sim card today to keep the learning going. You can find more details and information at

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