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by Fanthagiro Michelle D’silva

When we think of self-care, activities like meditation, exercise, and relaxation often come to mind. Financial care, however, is an often overlooked aspect of self-care that plays a crucial role in our overall well-being.

Managing your finances properly reduces stress, improves your quality of life, and helps you achieve long-term goals. By practising good financial habits, you are able to create a sense of control over your present.

The first step is to hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE. Start by creating a realistic monthly budget that works for you. Be honest with yourself about your income, expenses, and spending habits. A well-structured budget is like a roadmap for your financial journey—it keeps you on track and ensures that you’re prioritising what matters most. And don’t forget to include some money for the occasional treat! Rewarding yourself for staying disciplined with your financial goals can keep you motivated.

Another key habit is to stop spending money on things you don’t need or won’t use. It’s easy to get caught up in impulse buys or subscriptions that drain your finances without adding value to your life. Take some time to review your spending habits and cut back on unnecessary expenses. Every dollar you save can be redirected toward more meaningful investments.

One of the most important financial practices is to have an emergency fund. This fund should be separate from your regular savings and only used for unexpected events, like car repairs or medical bills. Contributing a small amount to your emergency fund each month will build a cushion over time, giving you peace of mind when life throws a curveball.

Ultimately, financial care is a form of self-care that ensures your future is secure while reducing day-to-day stress. By taking charge of your money, you’re investing in a better, more confident you.