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by Athirah Sofea


Anyone can hold a leadership role but to thrive as a leader requires solid leadership skills. Good leadership looks different for every leader, it requires a diversified skill set as there isn’t a specific way to best show the most effective leadership. Some might demonstrate “soft” leadership skills like patience, empathy and deep listening, while some demonstrate strengths in risk-taking and decision-making. Whatever strength they may have, it is easy to spot a good leader when you see one.  


Here are some of the best methods to help you develop your leadership skills: 


  1. Develop situational awareness
    Situational leaders are flexible and able to adjust their approach based on the development level and the best way to motivate each team member to achieve effective results and meet the needs of the organization. A leader who has the ability to foresee and provide suggestions to avoid potential problems is all-important and valuable in a team. 
  2. Learn to follow
    A true leader knows when to stand back and entrust others to lead in reaching for a particular objective. There should be an open exchange of ideas and mutual respect for each person’s views. This helps build respect within the team towards the leader and build a positive working environment as well.
  3. Practice discipline
    It is important for a leader to exhibit good discipline in their professional and personal life as it gets the team to follow suit and brings greater work efficiency. This will make it easier for the team to comply with their leader’s directives or instructions as people analyse their leader’s ability to lead by the amount of discipline they display at work.
  4. Be a discerning listener
    Leadership is more than just being in the spotlight and in charge of a team. A good leader is someone who listens to suggestions, ideas and feedback from others in order to improve the process, team and organization. Showing an effort to actively listen helps your team feel more motivated.
  5. Keep learning
    Knowledge is one of the most important assets of a good leader. A team naturally looks up to their leader for advice. When leaders have the knowledge, the team’s confidence increases. Some skills can be learnt through courses, while some can be attained through awareness of what is going on around them and through real-life experiences. Plus, learning new things keeps your mind sharp and skills fresh. 


Leadership development is important and a powerful move that will allow you to grow as a person, not just career-wise. By learning how to improve your leadership skills, you will naturally improve personal relationships with those around you. You learn the right way to communicate and build connections with others, while becoming more attuned to your strengths and weaknesses. 


Whether its negotiating big deals at work or responsibilities at home, it is essential to also have emotional intelligence and be able to influence others. Having this skill can make a difference on how we lead as it promotes a positive work culture in the organization. It increases efficiency and productivity and will constantly motivate team members and leaders to put their best foot forward.