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by Anishametra SaravananĀ Ā 

Ever heard of the subtle voice inside your head that whispers your insecurities, undermines your efforts and sabotages your success?Ā 

If youā€™ve answered yes, it means youā€™re no stranger to the realm of self-sabotage. While you may do it consciously or unconsciously, the tendency to undermine your own efforts could be the biggest obstacle in you experiencing success and fulfilment in life.Ā 

Ā If you find yourself doing things you promised you wouldnā€™t do, saying things you know are harmful to your relationships, and engaging in covert warfare against yourself that would rival any spy movie, join us as we discover the transformative steps to conquer it once and for all. Ā 

1. One change at a time

Whether it’s establishing a new habit or breaking an old pattern, taking small and manageable steps ensures steady progress in mitigating self-sabotage. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your personal transformation. So, stay consistent and watch as each change compounds to create a brighter, self-sabotage-free future.Ā 

2. Hang up on hate

One of the fiercest adversaries in the battle against self-sabotage is our relentless inner critic. This voice, often fuelled by fear and insecurity, has a knack for magnifying our shortcomings and undermining our confidence.Ā Ā 

A few ways you can stop the loop is by implementing these steps in your daily routine: Ā 

  • Practice kindness towards yourself. Ā 
  • Embrace the power of gratitude to shift your mindset from negativity to positivity whenever self-doubt creeps in. Ā 
  • Avoid falling into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking and acknowledge that setbacks are part of the journey. Ā 
  • Zoom out and recognise the progress you’ve made. Ā 

These strategies can empower you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and self-assurance.Ā 

3. Get ready for discomfort

Embracing discomfort is a pivotal step in conquering self-sabotage. Whether it’s the fear of failure, success or rejection, these anxieties often drive us to self-sabotaging behaviours. When discomfort arises, take a moment to pause, acknowledge it without judgement and adopt a mindful approach to tackle it.

By cultivating a curious mindset towards your feelings, you’ll gradually develop the resilience to tolerate discomfort, ultimately paving the way for personal growth and success.Ā 

4. Have a plan in place

One research found that self-handicapping, a common form of self-sabotage, requires considerable energy and is more prevalent during peak times.Ā Having a solid plan in place is crucial for thwarting self-sabotage, especially during moments of fatigue or hunger when the likelihood of making mistakes or poor choices is heightened.Ā 

Thus, preparing a detailed plan ahead of time not only mitigates the risk of succumbing to impulsive decisions but also conserves mental energy, empowering you to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience.Ā 

In conclusion, overcoming self-sabotage is a journey that demands self-reflection, determination, and strategic planning. That said, let’s not underestimate the importance of seeking support from those who uplift and encourage us. Whether through mentorship, community or professional guidance, surround yourself with positive influences as it strengthens your resolve and propels you forward on the path to self-mastery.



Science of People