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by Anishametra Saravanan  

‘Stop doomscrolling and go to sleep.’  

If you’ve frequently caught yourself uttering this line, you might be a revenge bedtime procrastinator. But what exactly does that mean? 

Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to the act of sacrificing sleep to enjoy some downtime or activities that you weren’t able to do earlier in the day. Though not a medical condition or a sleep disorder, it has short-term consequences like low energy, lack of focus, and moodiness. In the long run, it can lead to cardiovascular diseases, weakened immunity, and poor mental health. 

So, improve your bedtime habits? Here are some strategies to help you break the cycle of revenge bedtime procrastination and reclaim some of those precious hours of sleep:  

Create a conducive sleep environment  


Light plays an essential role in our body’s circadian rhythm. Therefore, it’s best to minimise the amount of light that seeps into the bedroom. Consider closing your curtains or getting room-darkening shades in your bedroom. Additionally, cooler temperatures can also contribute to better sleep. 

Turn off your digital devices 


It’s time to bring out the big guns; disable the autoplay feature on your streaming services and skip scrolling through social media sites while lying in bed. Instead, focus on practicing relaxation habits that promote sleep such as doing some gentle stretches, meditating, or reading a book. 

Limit your after-hours to-do list 


Your workday is done, dinner is done and it’s time to hit the hay. Still have 12 other things on your to-do list? Instead of pushing your bedtime to tackle them, pick one or two things on your list and focus on completing them. The same goes for the activities you use to unwind. Rather than staying up until 2 am to binge the final season of your favourite show, try restricting yourself to an episode or just an hour.

Start your nighttime routine earlier 


Another effective strategy to overcome revenge bedtime procrastination is to initiate your nightly routine ahead of time. Set a specific time, ideally an hour before your intended bedtime, to begin winding down. This extra time will allow you to relax and possibly feel sleepier, making it easier to resist the temptation of staying up late. So, bring out those face creams, facial masks and diffusers to reduce your stress levels and prepare your body for restful sleep.

Breaking the habit of revenge bedtime procrastination can be challenging. Nevertheless, by making small and consistent adjustments to your nightly routine and sleep habits, you’ll be a sleep champion in no time.




Verywell Mind

Verywell Health