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by Athirah Sofea



Have you heard of the Japanese term ‘ikigai’? 


Whether you’re familiar with it or not, let me to take you on a journey to uncover its profound meaning and how it can transform your life. 


I once stumbled upon a quote that led me to ponder, “only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.” At the heart of this sentiment lies the essence of ikigai, a Japanese concept that translates to “the happiness of always being busy.” It’s a philosophy that sheds light on the extraordinary longevity observed in places like the island of Okinawa, where the centenarians are more than anywhere else. 


For the Japanese, ikigai is what shapes their lives. It’s the reason for their being, deeply embedded within their souls. While some may have yet to uncover their ikigai, many believe that it’s something we all have inside us, just waiting to be discovered through exploration and patience. Once we find it, it becomes a guiding force that grows and changes with us as we go through life. 



In Japan, there’s no concept of “retirement” in the traditional sense. Instead, individuals continue to pursue what they love – their ikigai, even far into their golden years. At the basic level, the ikigai has four major components that are applicable to the work environment. 

What you love 

Discovering your ikigai involves finding something you enjoy doing at work. It doesn’t matter what task it is, as long as it brings you joy and excitement whenever you talk about or engage in it. 

What you are good at 

Discover your ikigai by recognizing your strengths. Doing what you’re good at boosts dopamine, leading to a sense of accomplishment and greater fulfillment and purpose.

What you can be paid for 

Finding your ikigai at work is simplified by focusing on tasks you excel at and will be paid for. Financial stability fosters well-being, while aligning passion with work enhances joy and productivity. 

What the world needs 

The final aspect of discovering your ikigai is engaging in activities that fulfill a need in the world. Contributing positively to others enhances our sense of purpose and accomplishment. Recognizing the impact of your work on others brings you closer to finding your ikigai.

To uncover your ikigai, you must first identify your greatest passions and then determine the avenues through which you can express them. Ikigai revolves around discovering joy, fulfillment, and balance in everyday life. What motivates you each morning? Is it career advancement, family, or perhaps simple pleasures like your Friday night plans or a hot cup of coffee? The essence of ikigai lies in recognizing that everything is interconnected and there are no isolated aspects of life. 


Embracing your ikigai is a transformative journey that fosters job satisfaction, performance improvement, and personal growth. It acts as a guiding compass that navigates our professional path, ultimately leading to a more enriching and purposeful existence.