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by Caryl Teh

Is a floating egg a bad egg? Is white-ish chocolate safe to eat? Which way should I be using aluminium foil? In honour of World Food Safety Day on 7 June, we’ve put together this quiz to test how much you know about food safety.

Created on By Shameera Lin

A Food Safety Quiz

1 / 9

Why can’t I keep raw meats with vegetables?

2 / 9

The Maillard reaction is a non-enzymatic reaction that produces browning in some foods when sugars and proteins are heated. Food that has undergone this reaction is definitely safe to eat. Which of the following are examples of this delicious scientific occurrence?

3 / 9

What is the minimum temperature my steak should be for it to be safe to eat?

4 / 9

The five-second rule is a...?

5 / 9

The surface of my chocolate looks grey, almost white. Is it safe to eat?

6 / 9

It is dangerous or at least less effective to use aluminium foil with the shiny side up.

7 / 9

I dropped an egg in fresh, cold water and it floated. Is it safe to eat?

8 / 9

According to the CDC, what temperature should your fridge be below?

9 / 9

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a 4-step system to prevent foodborne illnesses. What is the first step?

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The average score is 60%


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