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by Caryl Teh

20 May was World Bee Day! These little insects are best known for being social, hive-dwelling, honey-producing, busy busy pollinators. Without them, we wouldn’t enjoy such an abundance of avocados, apples, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, peaches, nectarines, cashews, almonds, and so much more! Albert Einstein said, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left.” If they’re THAT important, then of course we have to test how much you really know about bees (well, that we can fit into 10 questions).

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What's All the Buzz?

1 / 10

Colony life: All worker bees are female.

2 / 10

Colony life: The last type of bees are males. They don’t have a stinger. Instead, they are responsible for building and maintaining the comb (those iconic hexagonal wax cells in a hive), gathering food for the colony and mating. What are these types of bees called?

3 / 10

Colony life: Does royalty run in the blood? If the queen of the hive dies, how does the colony get a new queen?

4 / 10

Eye spy - anatomy: How many eyes do bees have?

5 / 10

Anatomy: How many wings do bees have?

6 / 10

What do hives and nightclubs have in common? Like humans with alcohol, if a bee drinks too much nectar, it can get drunk too. This is because nectar is typically 80% sugar and 20% water, the same components humans use to produce alcoholic beverages.

7 / 10

Bees can bust a move! What name have scientists decided to call this type of agility?

8 / 10

So hot: Honey bees use a lot of energy to maintain their active lifestyles. They can actually increase their body temperature to the point that they can cook an insect that invades the hive.

9 / 10

All bees are herbivores.

10 / 10

Is the term “honey moon” related to bees and honey?

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The average score is 58%


World Wildlife Fund
Arizona State University
City of Irving
Buzz about Bees
American Bee Journal
Mental Floss