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Feeling low about yourself? Doubting your capability in performing your duties at work? Don’t get dragged down by your lack of self-confidence. Break away from it and take charge to boost your self-esteem with these simple actions.

Be responsible for your life

Oftentimes, when things don’t turn out as we want, we resort to blaming others or the circumstances. Stop! Firstly, ask yourself if everything is someone else’s fault, then what part do I play in my own life? Then reflect and take control of your actions and accept the responsibility when you need to. 

Stop procrastinating on your goals

If your favorite phrases are “in 5 minutes” or “I’ll do it later” then you are in danger of procrastination. Put an end to this negative habit by taking small and consistent actions promptly. The right time to start any task is NOW!

Shaping your thoughts 

If you can control your thoughts, you are able to control your emotions and reactions. In order to shape your life the way you want, and make the changes you desire, you have to start making changes in your mind. You need to change your thoughts. Shaping your external life starts from within, in your mind.

Dealing with criticism

It’s only human nature to comment, condemn and complain about another human being. But it takes a strong character and self-control to accept and respond to criticism appropriately and deal with it effectively. Like any other skill, taking criticism can be learned as well as improved upon over time. One helpful tip is to stay away from a defensive stance. 

Think positively about yourself

Remind yourself that, despite your problems, you are a unique, special, and valuable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself. You are, after all, a miracle of consciousness, the consciousness of the universe. Identify and challenge any negative thoughts about yourself such as ‘I am a loser’, ‘I never do anything right’, or ‘No one really likes me’. Finally, remember those wise words of Lao Tzu: Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.


Source: Psychology Today