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by Fanthagiro Michelle D’silva

Networking events are essential in the working world as they open doors to many possibilities and opportunities. However, striking up a conversation with a stranger—especially one who could benefit your career—can feel intimidating. To ease this process, we’ve compiled some helpful conversation starters, for your next professional encounter.

Simple Small-Talk Starters

  • Hi, I’m ___. What’s your name?
  • What do you think of the venue?
  • What do you like to do outside of work?
  • Did you catch the news about [recent industry events or topics]?

Reference & Reflect on the Event

  • That was a lot of information that has been shared today. What has resonated most with you?
  • Was there a speaker or session that really stood out to you?
  • Did anything surprise you from the discussions or presentations?
  • What’s one question you’re still hoping to get answered before the event ends?
  • How do you plan to implement what you’ve learned today?

Show Genuine Interest in Them

  • Why did you choose [their line of work]?
  • What is one thing that you hope to accomplish this year? 
  • What was the most meaningful bit of career advice ever given to you?
  • Who has been the most influential in your career/work life?
  • I noticed you work with [shared connection]. How do you know them?

These questions can help you make authentic connections and leave a positive first impression. Networking doesn’t have to be daunting—with the right approach, it can be both meaningful and beneficial for your career. So stop asking about the weather and traffic and use some of these questions. We promise you, it WORKS!