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by Karen Lim Yu Xiu

Though climate change presents a complex challenge that demands a unified global effort, understanding our carbon footprint, which represents the total greenhouse gasses emitted as a result of our activities, allows us to quantify our environmental impact. While it is crucial to take direct action against the largest global carbon emitters, we can also be mindful of our individual contributions.

Here are some effective and simple strategies to minimise your carbon footprint:

1. Switch em’ off

  • Switching off lights when natural light is adequate or when leaving a room reduces energy consumption, contributing to lower electricity bills and environmental conservation efforts.
  • By making a conscious effort to switch off lights when they are not needed, we can cut down on unnecessary energy usage. At work, this could mean turning off lights when you’re the last one to leave the office or ensuring that lights in restrooms are off when not in use.

2. Control your climate

  • Maintain comfortable indoor conditions by adjusting your air conditioning or fans to moderate settings. This can ensure a pleasant indoor climate without overusing your cooling systems, which optimises energy use and saves costs. 
  • It may be unnecessary to leave the air conditioning on at all times; instead, be wise with its usage. Utilise fans and natural ventilation to regulate temperature effectively.

3. Maximise your wash load

Reduce water and energy consumption by doing full loads of laundry and opting for shorter, energy-saving cycles when suitable.

4. Less is more

Save energy by unplugging electronics or using a power strip to disconnect devices completely when not in use. This reduces standby power consumption and lowers electricity bills.

5. Move those legs

Reduce carbon fuel combustion and stay active by walking, biking, or carpooling to work. These alternative transportation methods are not only cost-effective but can also improve your overall physical health and well-being, making them a win-win for both you and the environment!  

No matter the scale of your actions, you can make a difference in reducing your carbon footprint. Together, our collective efforts create significant change. Remember: Every small step counts!