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by Anishametra Saravanan 

In the bustling landscape of corporate life, where busy schedules are often dictated by the relentless ticking of the clock, finding moments of transformative change can seem like an elusive feat. However, amidst the whirlwind of work and meetings, the BiiB’s Malaysia Corporate Team Marathon 2024 has emerged as a beacon of possibility for some.  

While we’re vying for the top spot in this year’s leaderboard (after securing third place last year), let’s take a moment to pause and look beyond the numbers. This marathon is more than just hitting the 5k steps a day; it has become a catalyst for profound shifts in the lives of participants and their loved ones. Here’s a closer look into the perspectives of our Yang Tahan Lasak participants as we learn all about their remarkable journeys that unfold when determination meets opportunity. 

Affifuddin Bin Mohd Hazam

IT Support Engineer at YTL Communications

As a staff working in the IT department, I spend most of my time in front of a laptop or phone screen, which often leaves me susceptible to migraines and fatigue. However, since incorporating running into my lifestyle, I’ve noticed a significant shift in my body’s needs, particularly an increased demand for hydration. This change has encouraged me to stay better hydrated, significantly reducing my headaches. Additionally, running has enhanced my overall energy levels, efficiency, and focus while at work. 

As an introvert, one of my biggest challenges was overcoming low self-esteem and self-doubt. I often doubted if I could finish a run and I was afraid of being judged by others who have better physical appearances. The first time I started running, I experienced muscle soreness the next day, which added to my list of doubts. Yet, in moments of uncertainty, I remind myself of why I started this fitness journey in the first place. This reflection has been crucial in keeping me motivated and pushing through my fears. 

⁠Despite being relatively new to the world of running and fitness, I’m eager to continue exploring and pushing my boundaries. I plan to participate in more local walk and run marathons to further challenge myself and improve my endurance. Additionally, I’m keen to diversify my fitness regimen by experimenting with various sports and outdoor activities. By embracing these opportunities, I aim to foster both physical and mental growth, enriching my fitness journey along the way. 

John Je Hon Ho

IT Manager at YTL Construction

Running is my go-to exercise for staying healthy. It gives me some quality “me time” to clear my head and work through problems. Now, I actually look forward to these runs!

When I first started, I had doubts about my ability to finish each run. Since I wasn’t aiming for marathons, I began with short distances and gradually increased the mileage. Believe it or not, my fitness tracker reveals that I’ve clocked over 2,000 km in the past few years! 

For anyone hesitant to start running, my advice is this: don’t get hung up on the distance. Just throw on some comfy clothes and head outside, whether to walk or run. Focus on how good you feel afterwards, and remember, your health is the ultimate prize. Keep at it, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve! 

Luis Miguel Garcia Mariño

Senior Project Manager at YTL Construction

Running has always been a cornerstone of my health routine. Formerly an avid football player until my late thirties, the lack of time and some injuries along the way made me swap my football boots for running shoes. It helps me to control my weight and it also serves as a much-needed escape from the stresses of daily work life. 

Participating in this marathon is an additional source of motivation to keep up with the challenge of running or walking every day after long days at work. When I see my colleague’s performance while scrolling through the BiiB app, I value their effort and commitment to the marathon and I tell myself, ‘If they can do it, I can do it too! 

There are many benefits to running, like the positive impact on one’s health, such as weight loss, but it’s also the mental strength you gain when you incorporate it into your routine regularly. It’s all too easy to succumb to the temptation of procrastination with thoughts of “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Yet, once you step out for a run, you’re met with a sense of empowerment and the ability to control your emotions while tackling challenges head-on.  

Once you see the results of your own efforts, it only fuels your desire to want more. Here are a few things that helped me to stay on track:  

  • Start at your own pace.  
  • Don’t fix unrealistic targets. Little work is better than nothing.  
  • Get your gear on, play some music and just go! 
  • Be disciplined. 

Alif Rashrique Azras Bin Abdul Rasek

System Design Engineer at Seri Yakin

For me, the realisation that my days had fallen into a repetitive cycle was a sobering one. That’s when I decided to join this marathon, seeking to feel the excitement of achieving something significant in life and reminiscent of the thrill and drive I experienced during my school days. Back then, I was fueled by a relentless drive to push myself beyond my limits and emerge victorious. But as the years passed, that fire began to flicker and it was overshadowed by the demands of adult life. 

I decided to participate in this marathon primarily because it tracks progress based on footsteps rather than speed or distance, which suits my preference for walking over running. Due to certain health limitations, I’ve never been fond of running. Nonetheless, I understand the importance of staying active for my well-being and walking is the most comfortable option for me. Additionally, my son always joins me during my walks, which is beneficial for both of us. After our walking sessions, he’s often tired and ready for bed early, allowing me to enjoy some personal time at night to play games or guitar. It’s a win-win situation for me. Apart from that, my reliance on public transport for my daily commute contributes to my daily step count. 

While I’ve never been particularly active, relying solely on walking as my form of exercise, my perspective began to shift upon joining YTL Construction this year. Incorporating regular walks into my routine has brought about significant changes. Notably, I’ve noticed that I no longer suffer from insomnia and I do not feel the need to rely on melatonin to sleep. Going to bed early allows me to wake up early and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I can accomplish in the mornings. Additionally, I’ve found that my mind is clearer, which has boosted my productivity at work. I’ve also observed an increase in my stamina. 

It’s clear the marathon has transcended mere physical activity as it has ushered in a wave of positive change that extends far beyond the finish line. May these stories serve as fuel for your own journey, motivating you to push through any obstacles and finish strong. We’re only 2 days away from the finish line — your own triumph awaits just beyond the next step!