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by Athirah Sofea 


In today’s workplace landscape, characterized by flattened organizational structures, cross-functional teams, and cultures emphasizing collaboration, autonomy, and sensitivity, the ability to effectively make requests is important. 


A request can encompass any task you need someone to undertake, regardless of your managerial authority. Yet, many individuals struggle with making requests confidently and efficiently. 


Indeed, there’s an art to making requests. Let’s delve into the five key elements of effective ones: 

  • What do you want? 
    By meticulously listing every essential element in your requests, even those seemingly obvious, you reveal the comprehensive solutions you seek. 
  • Who do you want it from? 
    When addressing a team, assigning a specific point person to take charge after discussions can prevent miscommunications and ensure tasks are promptly handled. 
  • When do you want it by? 
    Clear timelines for requests save time and energy that would otherwise be spent rechecking emails. This clarity is crucial, as interpretations of terms like “soon” and “possible” may vary among parties involved. 
  • What are the conditions of satisfaction? 
    Rather than requesting a change in attitude, specifying conditions of satisfaction can effectively guide behaviour. For instance, requesting that a team member provide two positive inputs before issuing a critique fosters a more constructive environment. 
  • What’s the context? 
    Providing context enhances the understanding and acceptance of requests. For example, explaining why a report needs to be shared by Sunday evening can clarify its significance. 

Additionally, when faced with a non-response, proactively following up within a reasonable timeframe is essential. If adjustments to deadlines are necessary, remain open to negotiation and compromise to find mutually agreeable solutions. 


Lastly, demonstrating appreciation and respect in your communication, such as with a polite “Could you please assist me with this?” fosters positive relationships and encourages cooperation. 


Mastering the art of making requests is a skill that commands respect and yields results. By understanding the principles outlined above and confidently communicating your needs, you can navigate workplace dynamics effectively and achieve your goals.