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by Athirah Sofea


One fine morning, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Bernard Tan, the Deputy Draughting Manager, and his dynamic team members, Nor Afiqah and Nur Hafizah, affectionately known as Iqa and Sya, the Draughting Assistants at SPYTL. Bernard kicked off the conversation with, “Everything the architect dreams up, I’ll turn into reality!”, as his chuckles accompanied the statement. That is when I was eager to uncover the secrets of the day-to-day of a draughter. 


In the field of construction, draughters, architects, and interior designers work collaboratively to bring dreams to life. The trio clarified that their role comes into play after the architect’s creative touch, where draughters would craft scale drawings to turn visions into tangible blueprints.  

However, the road to completing a construction project isn’t always paved with certainty. When I asked about challenges, Bernard shared a valuable insight: ‘You can’t predict blockages in a project just by looking at a plan and 3D drawing.’ The art of manual drawing – which was once a staple – is fading, especially among the younger generation, who are skilled in software and find manual drawing a bit foreign. This is when having basics in manual drawing would come in handy and visiting the site would provide further understanding of the problem. 


Reflecting on their tenure, Bernard, with 15 years at SPYTL while Sya and Iqa, with 8 years each, revealed a common thread in their motivation – a passion for drawing. Bernard mentioned, “You must first have the passion in drawing,” recalling his interest since high school. Iqa added, “For me, it’s the sense of satisfaction of completing a project,” which all three of them agreed to. Sya chimed in, “The tight deadlines sometimes makes it stressful, but the euphoria of accomplishment is what propels us forward.” 

In their team of 16, Iqa highlighted the heartwarming support they share. Each member takes on projects individually, yet readily offers assistance when a colleague needs an extra hand. Beyond the draughting boards, they celebrate each other’s birthdays monthly, creating a close-knit family within the workplace. This sense of unity and collaboration extends beyond their professional relationships. 


As the draughting team navigate the balance between tradition and technology in their work, it becomes evident that the magic lies in the meticulous strokes of their drawings and the collaborative spirit shaping their team. They remind us that through the challenges, the experience and gratification of bringing dreams to life, ultimately, it’s the human connection that makes the magic happen.