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by Anishametra Saravanan  

‘The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.’

Saint Augustine 

Who doesn’t love the idea of capturing the small details and stories you encounter while globe-trotting? It’s like adding an extra layer of magic to your adventures as you encapsulate your travel memories in physical or digital form. But, let’s be real, staring at a blank journal page can be a buzzkill if you’re not sure where to start. 

Whether you’re a pro at putting your travel tales on paper or a newbie craving a new hobby, we’ve got your back. We’re about to spill the beans on some cool tips to kickstart your travel journaling game. Say goodbye to the “what do I even write about” struggle, and let’s dive into the fun part of documenting your interesting travel stories! 

1. Write down your daily peaks

Instead of trying to recount your entire day, focus on your daily peaks – those special moments that resonate with you. It doesn’t have to be extravagant; it could be an eye-opening conversation at a coffee shop, the adrenaline rush of nearly missing a flight, or a serene evening stroll in the park.

Once you identify your peak, take a few minutes to jot down the details: the moment itself, your emotions, and any takeaway. These concise reflections can beautifully capture the essence of your travel experiences.

2. Practice mindfulness through writing

Your five-senses have entered the chat. 

Drop into your senses and write down what you’re seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and even feeling. It’s a quick snapshot of your environment and experience that uses all your senses to create presence while serving as a vivid memory.  

No need to wait for the “picture-perfect” moment, like it’s a shot aiming for an award. You can pull it off anytime, anywhere; your senses are ready when you are.  

Here are a few fun examples to spice up your storytelling and make your memories pop!

3. Pick up some prompts before your trip

If you journal on a regular basis, travel entries can feel like a daily habit to check off the list. While some enjoy the consistency, others seek a unique touch for their travel stories. If that’s you, try exploring journal prompts to inject some creativity and freshness into your travel writing.  

It’s a simple way to break from the ordinary and make each entry more vibrant and personalised. Here are examples of a few prompts to get you started:  

  • Document a unique culinary experience you thoroughly enjoyed. 
  • Share insights into the traditions and customs of the destination you visited. How did they influence your experience? 
  • Highlight any instances where you experienced or witnessed random acts of kindness. How did it have a positive impact on your journey? 

4. Write stories about the people you meet

Lean into human connections during your travels and share the narratives of the characters you meet along the way – the friendly street vendor who shared their secret family recipe, the fellow traveller with a fascinating life philosophy, or the local artist whose passion for their craft left a lasting impression.  

By immortalising these stories, you not only celebrate the diversity of the world but also create a captivating chronicle of the people who added colour to your journey. 

While you don’t have to keep a travel journal, it can be an enriching experience. Experiment with fun prompts, recount the highlights of your day, practice mindfulness and flex those creative writing skills. Remember, journaling while traveling is something to be enjoyed. So, if the thought of it causes you stress, consider exploring other travel hobbies like photography, sketching, or simply immersing yourself fully in the moment without the need for documentation. The essence of your journey lies in the joy it brings, so choose activities that resonate with your travel style and make every adventure uniquely yours! 


