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by Athirah Sofea


Effective leadership involves more than just giving orders, it’s about setting a direction and nurturing a sense of purpose. 


Over the years, leadership has evolved and it’s no longer sufficient to be just a visionary. While vision is essential, the emphasis has shifted towards becoming a culture and capability shaper. Modern leadership is no longer about leading people into the future; instead, it’s about co-creating that future alongside them. According to Professor Linda Hill of Harvard Business School, modern leaders wear multiple hats. 


To effectively lead and facilitate an organization that innovates at scale with speed, leaders must undertake three essential functions, often referred to as the ABCs of leadership: 


As an architect, your role is to build team culture and capabilities that foster collaboration, experimentation, and continuous learning. Innovation is not driven by individual “aha” moments, but by the collaboration of individuals with diverse expertise and perspectives who can collaborate, experiment, and learn together rapidly. This collective genius is present in every member of your organisation. Your responsibility as a leader is to unleash and harness these diverse slices of genius for the greater good.


The second role, that of a bridger, requires you to establish partnerships outside your organisation. Recognise that your organisation might not possess all the talents and tools needed for innovation. In a highly interconnected digital age, innovation often extends beyond the boundaries of the office. Many leaders are now responsible for bridging the gap between the external and internal aspects of their organisations.


Lastly, the role of a catalyst involves accelerating co-creation throughout the entire ecosystem. This may be necessary for various factors, including fulfilling your organisation’s needs or enhancing capability in the broader ecosystem. If your ambition extends beyond the organisation and aim to make a positive impact on an entire country or even a continent, active engagement of the entire ecosystem in co-creation becomes imperative. 

A great leader focuses on shaping culture, fostering genuine connections, and inviting people to innovate. Genuine commitment is what drives individuals to embrace the risks associated with pursuing novel and valuable innovations. Remember, innovation cannot be commanded, it can only be invited. This act is a voluntary one, and to inspire it, trust and unwavering commitment must be cultivated within the organisation.Â