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by Chok Min Qi 

I am in my early twenties, and I find myself at the intersection of youth and “adulthood”.  

It’s a paradoxical place to be because, at this stage, my age is both my greatest asset and my biggest challenge. I often grapple with the stark contrast between my limited life experience and the vast world of adulthood that lies ahead. As I transition from the familiar realm of student life to the uncharted waters of the workforce, change looms like a daunting spectre. It’s a journey marked by both exhilaration and trepidation, one that has imparted invaluable lessons along the way. 

From Loneliness to Solitude

One of the first lessons of adulthood is the shift from perceiving solitude as loneliness to understanding it as an opportunity for self-discovery. As we step into this new phase of life, the emptiness of a quiet apartment or a weekend alone can initially feel overwhelming. However, with time, I realise that these moments of solitude offer a canvas for personal growth. 

Empowerment Through Self-Control

Adulthood brings with it a sense of self-control and freedom. While we have responsibilities, they shouldn’t be seen as burdensome locks and chains. Instead, they are blessings that grant us the privilege to shape our lives. These responsibilities offer not only opportunities for personal mastery but also a chance to make a positive impact on those around us. 

A Journey of Wisdom

As we grow older, we gain wisdom and knowledge that our younger selves seek after. It’s essential to remember that we are not so different from the curious children we once were. The journey of growing up is not about losing our inner child but about gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. 

Navigating adulthood is a challenging yet rewarding transformational journey. Solitude empowers us, self-control grants freedom, and wisdom is the ultimate reward. Embrace both youthful curiosity and adult wisdom, as growing up is a beautiful adventure shaping us into who we’re meant to be. It’s a privilege, not confined by age but defined by our eagerness to learn. Let’s welcome it with gratitude and optimism, knowing it brings self-discovery, growth, and wisdom on our path to becoming our true selves.