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by Anishametra Saravanan & Athirah Sofea  

Stepping into the vibrant world of YTL in 2022, our initial weeks of induction thrust us into the heart of Merdeka Parade coordination. Learning the intricacies of this grand event and listening to the captivating tales of past parade participants, we found ourselves pondering a single question: ‘What would it be like to join this remarkable parade?’ 

And so, we embarked on our very own Merdeka adventure this year! 

While we could endlessly recount our personal odyssey in this year’s Merdeka Parade (read on until the end!), let’s turn our gaze to the voices of our fellow marchers, who have their own awe-inspiring stories to share… 

Danish Kumar A/L Mohanadass

Events Manager at YTL Info Screen

This was my first time participating in a Merdeka Parade, a national celebration held in front of the entire nation. My previous experiences had been quite different as we did not have a proper instructor to coach and guide us. However, this time, we received proper training from an experienced coach. It was an exciting experience, and I had the opportunity to meet colleagues from various companies within YTLWhile I had participated in a parade before, this experience was truly unique and will make a great story to share with my kids someday. I really enjoyed myself and felt proud to represent such a large and diverse company at a national event.

Winnie George Guang

Secretary & Floor Coordinator for M&E Department, YTL Construction


I’ve had the privilege of participating in the Merdeka Parade twice now, and I can confidently say that marching for YTL last year, when it took place at Dataran Merdeka, was a distinct experience compared to this year’s event at Dataran Putrajaya. The scale of this year’s parade was notably grander, with the venue accommodating a much larger crowd than the previous year. Our contingent also grew to include 100 marchers, providing me with the opportunity to meet and connect with numerous wonderful individuals from different departments and YTL companies. 

What truly set this year apart was the guidance and training we received from our dedicated trainer, Tuan Syahnon, who significantly improved our marching form. This boost in confidence came to fruition on the big day. Our hard work and practice finally paid off when we had the immense privilege of witnessing Mr. Wing Lee recording and waving at us with a big smile from the Grandstand, radiating pride and joy. It was a moment of pure elation when the Yang di-Pertuan Agong gave us a thumbs up in approval and the Prime Minister waved at us as our contingent marched by the royal box. The crowd’s unwavering support and cheers from start to finish made our march an unforgettable one. I feel incredibly proud to be a part of such a momentous experience and I will cherish this Merdeka Parade dearly.    

Noor Adila binti Noordin

Concrete Engineer at Buildcon Concrete, YTL Cement

I had some prior experience with my school marching band. Back then we followed signals from our drum major while playing instruments and did not have any command like “kiri, kanan, kiri (left, right, left)”, but joining the Merdeka Parade with YTL was an entirely new and exciting experience. On the first day of training, I was placed at the back of the formation due to my height, but during the full-dress rehearsal, there was a rearrangement, and taller members, including myself, were positioned at the front. This shift made me proud to lead my teammates, and together, we performed exceptionally well as a team.  

Being part of the YTL Group marching contingent was a great honour. Despite minor hiccups during the rehearsal, the 31st of August was a memorable day as we proudly marched to represent YTL Group. It was even more special because I was given the opportunity to assist in coordinating the team from Wisma YTL Cement. Although we all worked in the same building, we came from different departments within the company, providing a unique opportunity to connect with colleagues from various departments. This experience not only made coordination with my Wisma team effortless but also created lasting memories with my YTL family. 

Ng Hui Ching (Cindy)

Operations Executive at YTL Land

The Merdeka Parade was a wonderful opportunity to unite with my YTL Family on such a meaningful day. Marching for the first time in years since graduating from school, I felt a rush of emotions – a thrilling mix of excitement, nostalgia, and a bit of nervousness. As with any journey in life or work, we encountered our share of hiccups. What truly amazed me was the unwavering camaraderie within our contingent, as we collectively strived for excellence on the 31st. This incredible journey was made possible by the relentless positivity and support emanating from every member of our contingent, as well as our dedicated coordinators. 

Waking up at the early hours of the morning to arrive at Menara by 4:30 am seemed unusual at first, but amusingly, after a few days of settling into the routine, it became tricky to break the habit! All in all, my Merdeka adventure was an enthralling one and these memories of pure joy and camaraderie is something I will forever hold close to my heart. 

Just like how our fellow marchers mentioned, it was an exciting experience for us long-time writers, first-time marchers. We went from never imagining we would be part of this national event to being chosen as the placard holder and flag bearer. It was both nerve-wrecking and thrilling for us, as we were placed in the first row, where every step we took determined our contingent’s pace. Besides ensuring our placard stayed in the centre and the flag flew gracefully in the wind, all our attention was focused on making sure we marched our best for the entire distance.  

As Dato’ Yeoh Seok Kian’s name was announced as the leader of our contingent, we were lucky enough to spot Mr. Wing Lee in the sea of people on the Grandstand, which made us feel proud to be representing the YTL Group. The cherry on top of this whole experience was seeing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong waving and giving us a thumbs up. These small ‘wins’—from seeing the enthusiastic crowd along the way to our family and friends waking up early to watch us live on TV and some even braving the crowd in Putrajaya— made this experience truly memorable. 

Relive the Merdeka experience through our eyes: