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by Athirah Sofea


I was never a cat person until I had my own.  


Growing up, I would always stay away from cats, not because of any traumatic experience but simply because I wasn’t drawn to them. However, I now have 5 fur-babies that I love dearly. This started in the year 2018 when a cat landed in my house, that is, when we decided to adopt one. And another… and another… and well, the rest is history. 


In conjunction with International Cat Day, celebrated on August 8th, I couldn’t be more grateful for the joy these fur-babies brought into my life. Every day is a delightful adventure with my five feline companions, each of them bringing their unique charm into our home. 


The presence of animals in general, can have an amazing impact on our state of mind. And while they might not always be great for our furniture, studies have shown that interaction with pets (even if it’s just watching animal videos on the internet!) can boost a person’s energy and create positive emotions. If you are a pet lover, a house cat can both calm your nerves and provide an immediate source of fun and play. 


And for those of you who don’t own one, you can find below some of the reasons why having a cat at home can be good for you. 

  • Companionship 
    Cats may not be able to talk, but their presence alone provides companionship. Coming home to a warm, purring ball can lift your spirits and combat loneliness. 

  • Entertainment and Laughter 
    Cats are natural-born comedians. Their playful antics and quirky behaviours can be a constant source of entertainment, brightening up your day, and bringing laughter into your home. 

  • Emotional Support 
    Cats have an uncanny ability to sense when their humans are feeling down. They offer a comforting presence and unconditional love, acting as emotional support in difficult times.  

  • Improved Immunity 
    Growing up with a cat in the house may boost a child’s immune system. Exposure to cat dander and allergens from a young age can help build tolerance and reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life. 

So, if you are looking to invite happiness and warmth into your home, don’t hesitate to open your heart to a feline friend. Prepare to be captivated by the joy, laughter, and wonders they’ll bring into your life. Their pawsitive impact on your well-being will leave you energised!Â