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by Athirah Sofea


Our trilogy of Getting Your Point Across Effectively is coming to an end. In Part 1, we delved into the crucial aspects of planning a presentation – emphasizing the importance of defining objectives, knowing your audience, and structuring your content. In Part 2, we explored the art of preparation, focusing on framing your story and usage of tools and prompt cards to best present your topic. 


Now, in Part 3, we conclude our series by uncovering the essential strategies for delivering a presentation that captivates your audience and leaves a lasting impact. While the slides play a role, the effectiveness of your presentation rests heavily on how you deliver it. 


Here’s how you can deliver an effective presentation and keep your audience hooked from start to the end of your presentation:  

1. Be aware of your non-verbal communication

Focus on your movement as it needs to appear intentional. Use appropriate gestures to emphasize and add context to what you are saying. Avoid wild gestures or pacing back and forth in front of the screen as it can be distracting.  Having a smiley face and a good open posture will not just make you look but also feel more confident. 

2. Make eye contact with people in the audience

Engage your crowd by making eye contact throughout your presentation. Look at the audience from one end of the room to the other end. Avoid looking down or only focusing on one side of the room.  

3. Don’t speak too fast or too slow 

Pay attention to the pace in which you speak so that it is clear enough for your audience to follow. Do not rush through sentences and speak your words with clarity. Change the inflection of your voice at key points you want to emphasize on or to gain audience attention.  

4. Start and finish with your key message

The beginning and end are the most crucial parts of any presentation. Think of the best way to start your presentation and captivate your audience quickly. You then conclude with an impactful conclusion, summarizing the topic(s) that you have discussed. Your audience will leave the presentation with an image in their heads, imagining the knowledge you’ve provided.

Take these tips into consideration as you work on enhancing your presentation delivery. Mastering public speaking and presentation skills has many benefits and is a valuable skill you can use throughout your career, regardless of the industry you’re in. So, seize the opportunity to unleash your full potential. 


“The whole purpose is to enable people to learn. Your mission is not to transmit information but to transform learners.”
– Harold D. Stolovitch and Erica J. KeepsÂ