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by Athirah Sofea


With Malaysia and Singapore being multicultural countries, we’ve developed our colloquial language, a unique blend of slang and various words pulled from different vernaculars. Although these slangs can be incomprehensible, they are commonly used and understood by locals and tend to be spoken in informal situations with friends and family.   


Created on By Athirah

Test Your Malaysian and Singaporean Slang!

To start your journey into this innovative language, test yourself with some of the commonly used slang terms. 

1 / 10

What is the term for ‘pretty lady’ that comes from a Cantonese word? 

2 / 10

Kiasu is a Hokkien term used for people who have a fiercely competitive spirit, and usually in a negative manner. Which situation below best represent the term ‘kiasu’? 

3 / 10

“You are traveling to Japan together? Bo jio!”

When do you use the term bo jio’? 

4 / 10

“I have a lot on my plate, and I need to submit this by end of the day. I don’t think I can go out for lunch. Can you _____ for me?” 

5 / 10

I’m going to town this weekend. No plans on what I will be doing but I will lepak with my best friend.”  
Lepak means to just chill or to loiter around aimlessly.

6 / 10

“Karen is so kepoh , she’s always asking very personal questions at work!”
What is the meaning of kepoh? 

7 / 10

“Jo agreed to join our football match this week, but now he is not even answering our call. He better not _____.” 

8 / 10

Emily: “Oh Paul, we just missed our turn. Can you gostan and turn in again? 
Paul: “No we can’t, you think your grandfather’s road ah? We must abide by the traffic rules!
What is the meaning of gostan? 

9 / 10

“I was supposed to eat clean for the next 2 weeks, but Chris sabo my diet and invited me to have Char Kuey Teow with him.”
What is the meaning of ‘sabo’? 

10 / 10

"Tony is so atas, his house is on the 10th floor of that flat. 
Answer true or false whether the term ‘atas’ in the statement above is being used correctly. 

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The average score is 84%
