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Last Sunday, we concluded the 28-day challenge of the Malaysia Corporate Team Marathon 2023! A big shoutout to our colleagues who represented YTL in this journey and kept on walking/jogging/running ‘til the end – you all are true Champions in grit, commitment and perseverance!  

It’s been a rather intense competition to remain ahead of the corporate race (literally). As we cross the finish line, we are proud to announce that YTL takes the 3rd place among 571 participating companies! Adding to the record, our Team Yang Tahan Lasak recorded a cumulative total of 1,921 sessions, which is equivalent to a whopping 480.25 marathons collectively!  

Thank you so much to our team of runners for giving your all, and proving that YTL is indeed made of people Yang Tahan Lasak! 💪

As promised, we have exclusive rewards for the 123 runners who finished their race with at least one session*. Check out your final ranking below and the limited-edition merchandise you will take home: 

* One session equates to 12,500 steps per participant per day. For every 4 sessions completed, the distance is equivalent to a full-fledged 42km marathon. 

So winners, stay tuned! You will be contacted in the coming week on when and how you can collect your swag.  

If anything, this virtual marathon has proven that where there is a will, there is always a way! Although the challenge has ended, let this be the start of a sustained healthy lifestyle! Here’s to owning our fitness goals – just keep taking those daily steps to be healthier, and we will inevitably be happier! Â