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by Anishametra Saravanan

Think of a song that has a significant meaning to you. Now, what feelings does this song evoke from you? 

Music is functional and incredibly powerful. American musician Billy Joel once said. “I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” The majority of us would wholeheartedly agree with this statement, and it is this universal bond with music that has led multiple researchers across the globe to investigate its therapeutic potential. In conjunction with International Music Day which falls on 1st October, we’re here to discuss the many ways music can improve one’s well-being and in turn, improve your daily productivity.  

1.     Enhance your mood 

Many studies have shown a proven link between music and one’s mood. Listening to your favourite song aids in the release of dopamine into the brain which can prevent depression. Make a playlist of all your favourite songs that you can listen to the next time you are feeling down and you need your spirits up again. If you’re singing and dancing along, it can also encourage the release of endorphins or the ‘happy hormones’ in your body!  

2.    Improve attention & mental focus 

Music has the ability to improve focus, attention and boost mental performance when working on a task. Try listening to some stimulating tracks to power your attention if you find yourself zoning in and out of work. Avoid any music with lots of lyrics or a distracting beat. Instead, try some classical music as it can bring about a balanced and calm state of mind to help in the completion of tasks.  

3.     Encourage relaxation & restful sleep  

Do you ever feel tired but you can’t get your brain to shut off? Playing some relaxing music may be the solution if you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Research has shown that listening to calming music can help with reducing your heart rate and blood pressure. By reducing the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, you will be able to unwind and fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for a longer period of time.

4.     Increase motivation & energy 

Get your workout gear ready and get your shoelaces tied! Listening to music while working out is a great way to feel motivated and energized. This is due to the fact that upbeat music increases your heart rate, causing an increase in motivation and energy. So, if you need a boost of energy before your next workout, try curating a killer playlist of your favourite energizing tracks.  

5.     Cultivate human connection 

Music is universal and it is able to bring people together from all walks of life. From concerts, places of worship and celebrations, music has the power to unite people despite the different backgrounds, languages and countries we may come from. Studies have also shown that listening to music can trigger oxytocin release, the ‘love hormone’ that helps us in developing empathy, trust and compassion towards others.  


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