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by Caryl Teh 

Most of us have more things to do than the actual time to do them. And that never-ending list of tasks or chores will drain you of energy over time. So today, we’re sharing 4 tips on how to manage your energy more effectively throughout the workday.

1. Get To Know Your Cycle (That Is, Your ENERGY Cycle)

Humans commonly oscillate between high- and low-energy throughout the day. (Anyone else get that after-lunch lull that heralds the need for another cup of coffee?) Jot down when those times are.

This will help you plan your tasks to better suit energy levels. For example, tackle power-heavy tasks during your peaks and take breaks or get admin stuff done during your troughs. And whatever you’re doing, you’ll probably be most effective when you focus on just ONE task at a time, even if it’s a low-energy task.

2. Cap Your Maximum Number of Meetings In A Day

Ok, we acknowledge that this isn’t always within your control. But for the days that are, set a maximum number of meetings in your day. Why? (1) Your brain takes time to switch context from meeting mode to task mode. And (2) beyond a certain number of meetings, chances are even though you’re physically present, you might not be mentally.

Let’s face it – the most fruitful meetings (that make the best use of everyone’s time) are the ones where everyone comes with a clear mind, ready to buckle down and focus on the topic at hand.

So next time you see a 7th hour-long meeting being scheduled for 6pm which can afford to be moved, consider saying this: “Hi everyone. This is going to be a very long day for me and I will be in a better mental headspace to contribute to the discussion if we met at (x day) at (x time). Could we meet then instead?” In all likelihood there will be someone else breathing a sigh of relief that you verbalised their thoughts.

3. Take Breaks

Unless you’re a robot, you need breaks. Short-term breaks include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Get up and move, walk, dance
  • Get some fresh air
  • Read
  • Grab a cup of coffee with a colleague!

For broader timescale general wellbeing, make sure you:

  • Get a healthy amount of sleep
  • Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
  • Turn your phone on silent mode – boundaries, people. Boundaries.
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Set aside time each week to do something that fills your heart and mind with positivity

4. Listen To Your Body

Are you building a sky-high intelligence quotient, but neglecting your emotional quotient? In the business of our day-to-day, it’s easy to get good at ignoring our body’s warning signs. And leaving sadness or stress build up as a temporary defence mechanism isn’t doing your mental health any favours in the long-run.

Here’s our recommendation:

  • Wrap up your day by taking 5-10 minutes to think through what happened
  • Journal
  • Write a gratitude list

What do you think you need to stop doing? Being perceptive of what makes you feel upset is the first step in learning how to better deal with that negativity. On the flip side, knowing what makes you feel appreciated will highlight positive moments that colour a seemingly monotonous day, and keep you motivated for the next.

What inspires you? What does “living each day to the fullest” look like for you?

Well-managed energy will make your to-do list feel more manageable too. So, we hope you will commit to building healthy habits that will allow you to keep being the superman or superwoman that we know you can be. All the best, you can do it!

