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Nadiah binti Mohd Ramdzan


1. What is your job title?
Currently, I am working as an intern under the YTL Learning Academy (YTLLA).

2. How long have you been working for YTL Construction?
I started on the 4th of July and am only able to work for the next two months.

3. What sort of duties do you have at work? 
Mostly, for my first week, I have been shadowing Amirah from YTLLA, learning how she handles the training sessions for employees, creating dashboards, etc. By my third week, I should be taking on the role of Training Administrator. Later on, I will also be working on social media engagement, as well as participating in data analytics. For the end of my term, I have a major task of performing a study and analysis of the trainees’ behaviours. 

4. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be? 
There are two things in this world I would kill for an unlimited amount of. The first would be an unlimited number of paid bookings to every beach resort in the world. This is for obvious reasons; everyone loves to travel. When I was younger my parents always took me travelling around the world, so my appreciation for it depleted quite a bit. However, I have sort of rediscovered the thrill of travelling recently, especially staying by the beach with friends. And the second unlimited supply would be allergy medicine, to finally be able to raise my own cats without having to worry about my allergies getting in the way.

5. What is one professional skill you have nailed? 
Considering the fact that this is my first proper work experience, I have yet to find my core professional strengths and weaknesses. In general, I do well with learning fast and adapting well, whether it be to pace or a certain standard that is to be abided by. 

6. What is something you do to cheer yourself up on a bad day? 
Usually, I would start playing video games by myself or with friends. However, sometimes I do not have the mental capacity for that,
 so I would just opt to sit in my room either by myself or with one of my siblings and watch a show that I like, or one of my comfort movies. 

7. What’s your favourite season? 
Summer is probably my favourite season since I have never been a fan of the cold. Summer feels like a warm embrace, and growing up it was the only time I was not constantly bound by heavy responsibilities, because I would be on summer break. I have always lived in countries where the seasons don’t exactly show a change in the weather, but maybe if I lived in a seasonal country my opinions would change. 

8. What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done? 
Something that I have yet to do but been dying to for years, is to go snorkelling to feed my newfound love of the ocean, but only in shallow waters because I actually have a phobia of the deep ocean. As long as I cannot see any dark blue water, and focus on the fish and corals, I should be fine.

9. What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done? 
I am heavily enjoying how personable and kind everyone is towards me. Even though I am a newbie, no one has made me feel like I don’t belong here. Everyone that I have met so far is also surprisingly either upbeat, or has a smile on their face, which is an exceptional environment to be surrounded by all week.